I did! I really liked the progression of items that unlocked the ability to get to new areas.
It all worked pretty well and I think the only major bug was where I fell off the map. But that was due more to me wandering off into possibly unfinished areas. The game didn't really guide me there so I think that one's on me :)
A simple overall fix for what i ran into would be to warp back to the starting point if you end up way further down than should be possible. Could turn a bug into a feature by making it easier to fall off the map and it warps you to above the starting point so it seems you are trapped in this area/world. :)
Good luck on this and future development!
Pretty good but I might possibly have found a bug. When you need to find 5 coins it started counting at 0. So when I found 5 coins the count showed 4. Thought maybe I needed to actually find 6 but I spent a long time trying to find it. Much longer than it took to find all the first five so I thought maybe that was a bug.
I let myself get caught so I could try again but having to do everything over again is a bit much. I got bored trying to get through the first maze again and gave up.