Has the protagonist here ever driven to meet the Dogmen over there in their reality? The similarity between the two games leads me to believe that perhaps the angst tunnel was less physical, and more a meta-physical representation of escape through some supernatural means to a fantasy world inhabited by numbered dogindividuals.
I also believe the Blizz timeline has a place within this narrative, however I have run out of string and pushpins for my conspiracy board.
what a roller coaster ride of emotions, it is brilliant onion
Beige nods firmly in affirmation
Though i do feel like I should have gone in with more onion detective-verse knowledge, but it was very funny to see 'you' through the whole interview process
Beige smiles and gives a chuckle
(ps I don't know why but "Him Tortons" made me laugh WAY too much)
Beige laughs out loud
This comment was by: Beige
- Written by: Beige
-Produced by: Beige
-Edited by: Beige
Thank you for reading it, it could only have been made possible by onions like YOU <3
"interview with an onion" you say, perhaps I shall have a look see 0.0
hm hm, creative block sucks, but luckily you are a resilient and passionate onion, I'm sure you'll pull through!
mmm, you're not 'behind', you're just 'spreading out how often you step forward'! And I'm glad that today, you took a step towards me c:
Also thank you for saying that and enjoying my game! It's always nice to connect a little with little games~
Hello and thank you for playing my game!
Well the Discord was busy at one point, with little hangouts and community projects, however it slowly began to slow down as the main members began to get busy and move on. Eventually, along with the discord being less used, the head moderator also had to step down, and since they were a pretty big part of holding the community together, the creator of Bitsy, Alex Ledoux, decided to shut down the discord. It was still around in read-only mode I thought but now I'm not sure where it went...
I should also mention that there is also still a little forum community for bitsy here on itch:https://ledoux.itch.io/bitsy/community
ah hello! May I ask how you were able to get the game running again?
And also, I was specifically hoping for there to be a way to play it in browser without any sort of chrome/firefox extension usage if that were possible.
hehe but I'm glad to hear that the game hasn't died yet and you were able to enjoy it! Gosh this is one of my favourite tiny browser game gems that I remember and wish I could replay...!
Ah!! You were the one that made Captain Glouglou's adventure! I remember it was a very lovely fluffy little alpaca game!
It's good to hear you're still keeping bitsy alive, and making cool games!
I'm trying to work with javascript to make some silly little streaming tools, and I've met a lot of really friendly people along the way.
Until next time! Au revoir!
Thank you so much!! <3!
I... think I remember you saying something like that before! That you found it hard to fit in with the jokes and the meme-culture. Honestly they were all very kind and open and it would have been nice to hear from you more I'm sure! And as well, even I, a native speaker, didn't get all the ridiculous memes that developed lol!
I hope you are doing well, seeing more beauty in the world, and maybe even creating some of your own!
There sure is! Where you can talk to people and share Bitsy ideas and join collabs and stuff! Here ya go:https://discord.gg/QgqMbPqQzk
Nice to hear about updates!
I had a note to say about a small thing that happened with me and bitsy. I've been using for a long while and I got used to only using the coding screen for dialogue. This later made it so that I forgot how to use the regular dialogue menu and could not explain it to newcomers of bitsy. I wonder if there was some sort of way to merge the dialogue "coding" to a single system usable by both newcomers and coders that is easy to use and understand.
For example in the game making engine Stencyl they have acode block system that makes it easier for newbies to code by making it easier to visually see it in terms of these blocks that snap together. They also have a customizable blocks, so coders can write their own blocks. Those, I think, are also something easy that newcomers can import and understand how to use. They just copy in code into the customizable code block, then they insert that code block as they would any other code block piece.
It would be nice if bitsy could have a basic system, but also more advanced coding done in a way that was also accessible to newcomers. But maybe that is what your module system is aiming to do already?
Hi, thanks for trying it out!
Ack! I was watching and some of the sounds and graphics didn't work! And sorry, the ending broke as well... there was supposed to be more after you "Started" the game!
So, I am using a Firefox with a W10 pc but can I ask what computer and web browser you used to run my game? I did not test my game for Macs, or for Google Chrome and such...
But still, I hope you enjoyed what you saw and maybe had a laugh or two! It was a funny video, and you seem like a funny guy :)
hi! Thanks for debugging the museum hack!!
I got it working! Though, now that we are in Bitsy version 7.2, a few things have changed that I thought I would mention here in case anyone else wants to use your fix for the hack!
The first code to replace in the Bitsy Museum should look like this:
if(end){ startEndingDialog(end);}
and be replaced by:
if (end){ /* BITSY MUSEUM HACK: jump to the appropriate game! */ window.location.href = dialog[end.id].src + ".html";}
Then just one more small note, I think in the last code block you have here on this page (the one above "You're now done..."), there is an extra open bracket after the comments.
Other than that it works for Bitsy v. 7.2!! I tested it online in itch too and it works! Hooray!!
Neat game! And I like the art and animations too.
I found this from the itch youtube recommendations (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myLvA1nbtI8) , though the first link seems to be the incorrect game (but underneath it correctly links to your main itch page)
Good luck makin' games!
Thanks!! I do like bugs so I had fun thinking up the puns and then making a tiny little safari out of it. And I hope the arm thing was cool because I guess you could also just make a fullscreen game and it would do the same thing, but I wanted something small that extended, but maybe could have made the effect better if I had more time but anyways, thanks for playing and adding your own thing for the jam, hope you had fun!