You have terrible romance in this game. When you play, you want to feel needed and wanted, you don't want to be in constant pain.
But in yours a disgusting, nasty feeling constantly squeezed the heart. Why you needed to make the only available for the romance man in love with another person? For what? For the sake of poly? Are you aware of how unpleasant this is for monogamous people? The constant feeling of not being "enough". All those nasty hints, seeing them together all the time. He even continues to sleep with her! He "doesn't know who to choose." God, how disgusting. Why do you bully your players like that? Why did you even give them the opportunity to have a romance? Moreover, the player cannot even properly understand how to reach the ending with Marius only!
This is not a visual novel! This is a book in which you brought your characters together! I have never been so disappointed in a game.
I hope it's ok to share fanart here? My MC.
Phoenix "Nix" Goldfeather.
As a child, parents told him, that he is the incarnation of a legendary bird. But Nix always understood that his parents simply love him and if they had their way, they would assure him he is the mighty dragon. But the truth is, he's just a cute little birdy.
He is caring, gentle and always ready to treat with a cup of delicious coffee.
I liked this game, but it so badly lacks a fourth secret ending! Right now it's like a cyclical circle, but it would be so cool if the choices and MC's thoughts were different after completing all three endings and revealing all the secrets, including the real name. I did it to see if there could be something different and if we could finally get a good ending, but no. Too bad, that would've been awesome! But thanks for your game anyway!
Good day! Thanks for the game! I'll be looking forward to updates! Could you please tell, are both twins ROs? Or only Maverick?
Also do you plan more endings for Maverick? Like to fight him, bring him to his senses or escape successfully (and meet him after some time in the city, for example?) Or can I at least mock farmers during the ritual? Like lol you can't anything without your god, you're a shitty farmers lololol
If Candem's route will be in the game, I would like to start screaming during the ceremony — NOOO I WANT TO MARRY HIS BROTHER!!!! lol
P.S. I can't trigger Candem CG with him holding a gun. It is in game?
I'm glad I could make you laugh and thank you for listening to your audience!
As for the MC... probably for me the reason to feel this way about them is that their behavior was not entirely logical. I'll explain why. Of course they are scared and shocked, so their reaction to the villain is quite understandable, but at the same time they behave quite rudely towards a person who did nothing bad to them and is simply offering help. But when you listen to what the MC says, it feels like they kicking a puppy. Moreover, Sev is a doctor, so besides being wary, they should have curiosity, logic, and a desire to understand. But they don't want to listen to the villain... well, yes, Sev asks two questions, but it seems that they already set themselves against everything villain says. Why tho? Especially since Sev had "seen" the villain before and in the dream he showed nothing but warmth, sadness, and tenderness. So aren't they simply interested in understanding how their dream is connected to what's happening? Why do they see this particular person? However, they're not given much time alone, so maybe they will be able to talk more in the future.
However, when six (six!) complete strangers appear in front of the MC, they're like... yeah, this is definitely much better than the single person who hasn't shown any aggression and already promised to help get me home. Pfff. Well, I mean, even if just think about it, it’s much easier to run away from 1 person than from 6 if things get messy, no? And they all call the villain, well... a "villain" heh, but some of the "heroes" are noticeably sarcastic towards the MC! And like, I wouldn't follow a person who mocks me with words, calling me "stupid". I wouldn't follow a whole crowd of strange, unfamiliar people. Considering that the villain literally begs not to do it, I would be curious about the reason why he says that. The pixies call him a "villain", but why should I believe them? So far, he hasn't done anything bad to Sev. Or at least, like you said, make it more clear that the MC's consciousness is being manipulated. Because for now it seems that Sev is just emm extremely naive and was easily tricked by the beautiful appearance.
I understand that Sev is a separate personality, and not a "player", but it is still a game, so more choices would be nice.
You know about "choices without a choice"? It's an option in games where you give the player the illusion of choice, but it doesn't affect the game's main story line. It may affect the characters' relationships with each other or with the main character, but it will not affect the plot in any way. The most obvious example is the moment when the protagonist decides who to go with. This is the perfect moment to add the possibility of "illusion".
You give the players two options. The first is to go with pixies. Nothing changes here, but the player chooses this option themself, so they will not have the feeling that it was forced or chosen for them by someone else.
The second is to choose the villain. However! The illusion is that when the MC makes this decision, manipulative pixie will increase his magic, the villain will notice this and in order to protect, the same attack scene will happen again. Something like "thank you very much, but he already offered to help me, so... oh, weird, why I'm so dizzy right now."
In this case, MC can also stop the villain (in the same manner), because he clearly fell into a state of affect and it would be impossible to stop him with just words. In this case, you let the players choose who they want, but the plot will still force MC to intervene anyway, and the pixies took advantage of this.
In games, it is very important to give players the control, especially when making important decisions, even if it ends up being just an illusory choice^^
Well, regarding the pixies, I won't describe my feelings for each character so that it doesn't become a spoiler, but they are interesting, they clearly represent exactly what they are supposed to. I'm a fan of horror date sim VNs, so I would gladly surrender myself into the hands of dangerous crazy obsessively possessive yanderes, but in this case the villain completely captured my heart.
Oh, I love this game so much! I always come back to replay it. And I always choose the good ending hehe
Could you tell please, have you thought about a sequel? It doesn't have to be a whole game, maybe just another short one? For example, at the ball! I so badly want to see a continuation, growing feelings, sweet moments! If not, then it's also OK! I just really want to see a new game from you. Thanks!
I know that was necessary for the plot and further unexpected turns, but never ever I wanted to punch anyone in the face so much as the MC at the beginning of the story lol
My villian, my dear, I love you ❤️
Many thanks for creating such an amazing character, I want to hug him and give him the whole world. Hope in the full release I can do that hehe
Other characters also are... something 🫢
Hiiii! This is a very interesting game, the men are just amazing! I can't wait to meet everyone else and continue the routes I already started!
But, to be honest, without walkthrough, it was hard to understand why the available routes aren't triggering for me.Usually, if you trigger someone's route (you score enough affection points), it "locked" and communication with other characters doesn't affect it. But in your game, players need to get a precise point numbers, and this is... quite difficult in a game that is built on chatting with different characters.
I hope you understand what I mean, otherwise the game will simply turn into an attempt to guess the right option for the right route. No pressure though!
Thank you for this game! I like the atmosphere, mystery and visual style. It's very beautiful! Aurel is my favorite without a doubt. This man deserves the whole world, all the love and warmth. Lark is also a wonderful character, literally personifying a person who is in an abusive relationship, but does not see it in his route. But I can't help but wonder... why his good ending is achieved if you don't attempt to interfere, but rather show fear and a desire to run away? And the bad ending is the one, where you protect him and stand up for him. I didn't understand this. Especially his "pet" at the end. OK, you can call them like that if MC is weak-willed, can't stand up for themselves and does nothing, but the opposite left me in confusion. Can you please explain?
He definitely caught my attention! But it's very difficult to choose one. I want to get to know everyone, help them, feel them. Sounds greedy haha. And to be honest, first I want to get to know the characters better to choose my favorite, since the demo focuses more on Asher. I especially want to see Valentin's appearance!
Oh, I see! Thank you for the answer!
I can't choose just one character, it's beyond me haha, but I'm definitely interested in male ROs. Gideon, Malachi, Valentin! Even without the sprite he sounds so charming, I want to know him better~ Of course, romance with Costel as a MALE MC would be hilarious, like a little ironic oopsie. But at the same time mysterious Laythe is so... especially considering their role in the plot. In short, I am definitely in team "close combat" ROs lol
I love isekai, JRPGs and memes. This is what I call a real combo pfff
No, really, the demo is great. Colorful, with good art and voice acting. Very pleasant music sets the atmosphere. The memes and references made me laugh out loud. I really felt like I'm in MC's shoes, person from our world you know. Like, yeah, man, same.
And I can’t help but ask, is this a purely adventure/fantasy game, or there'll be a dating system too? I'm just a little confusedand sad ngl, 'cos some of the characters are already taken... which is an... unusual for games with a "dating" theme, so..which of them are ROs? And are they romanceable regardless of MCs gender? This all applies if the game even has a date sim system, lol. Thanks!
Hi! I really liked the jealousy mechanics you added, it's interesting! But I wanted to clarify a few details.
Only MC can get jealous or ROs too? And under what circumstances this is shown? Should MC like both ROs at the same time (not the poly route) or can one RO be just a friend, but the other will get jealous anyway, perhaps to the secondary characters? And to make this mechanic work, do you need to choose the option that RO is also in the crash stage? Or it doesn't depend on it? It’s just that my MC is in love with Qiu, but I wouldn't like to decide for Qiu whether they are in love with my MC or not, I want there to be some kind of intrigue in this. At the same time, I want to experience this jealousy mechanic, so I'm a little confused lol I hope you can tell me how it works! Thanks!
The way I love Sol... there are no words to express how dear he is to me. He is so sweet, talented, smart. He loves, cares, and protects so much. I just wildly adore yandere who are obsessed with MC. They'll really set the whole world on fire for their beloved. No one will dare to touch MC, offend or seduce. Oh no no no, otherwise there will be consequences. They would never ever hurt someone they love, but they are crazy in their possessive desire to be close and protect from everything. This type of yandere is the best.
And of course, the plot itself is very intriguing, the secondary characters are so charismatic and unique! They are not just extras, but personalities that you really want to know about! And even the MC has a lore, a past, a goal! It's so cool! I really want to know what will happen next.
Thank you very much for one of the best yanderes among games, as well as for a unique plot in horror date sim!
I love this story so much! It's absolutely amazing! You did an incredible work! All these subtle details, connections with the previous game, character development, different endings, plot twists, a very unusual game itself!
And OMG you have no idea how much I love Ashton! When I first launched the game, I was so surprised, because it wasn't.. him. I was confused, but then amazed by plot twist! So when I saw the real Ash again, his eyes, his teeth, his smile, his words.. it was so sweet. He is irreplaceable. He loves so much and there's nothing to compare it to. Ashton's heart is completely devoted to MC.
The only thing that really upsets me.. despite the whole concept of the game, despite breaking the fourth wall and the chance to be together.. eh, it's still just a game and Ashton will not appear in reality. That makes me so sad. So as a players we can only hope that at least in a happy, true ending, MC of this game will be able to truly meet, touch and hug Ash.
Regarding Ashino, well, he's interesting as a villain, but sorry pal, I don't like yanderes who aren't "yandering" for me pfff
p.s. I wish you good luck, inspiration and many thanks for giving this world such a cute, faithful and loving boy. I look forward for updates with all my heart! I hope we will be able to kiss Ashton at the end~
Wow! This game is so interesting and has so much potential! I really like the style, atmosphere, tension, plot. Could you tell me please, are you still develop this game? Or it's on hiatus?
And if you are still working on the game, is there a possibility in one of the game routes that yandere will become obsessed with the MC? Romantically, I mean. That would be so very unusual!
I can't express how beautiful and atmospheric this game is. I really love horror date sim games, but this one not filled with horror, but with silence, peace, tranquility and.. comfort. I thank you for this incredible atmosphere in which you want to stay. This is a completely unique game.
Also, I want to say that the voice acting ... wow, just wow, I have no words. It's so soothing, gentle, like lullaby. Thank you for such masterpiece.
Hello! The game plot is very interesting and intriguing, so can you tell please, is the game still in development or on hiatus?
And also I played as Katnir, but I didn't get the CG kiss with Reith. Did I do something wrong or it's just the art hasn't been drawn yet?
In any case, thanks and all the best!
Thank you for you game, but I would like to clarify, if you don't mind.
So no matter what you do, you can't save the team? It's just really sad. I love good endings, I am ready to go through a hundred quests and find any secret just to help. I don't want things to be bad. I need an alternate ending sob sob
Or maybe a sequel? Haven't you thought about a it?
Good day! Thank you for an interesting and high-quality game. It's really nice when developers invest effort, time and quality in their work. That's admirable.
But I have a small question. Can you please tell me, if there will be a moment in the game when your romance will be locked from others?
I mean, for example, I agreed with Tien's "offer" and therefore nothing happened during the scene with Lux, does this mean that I've already entered Tien's route? Or I still can choose another RO?
I'll be grateful for the answer and all the best!
God, it was so warm, cozy, nice, playful and very good. A tavern, ale, a handsome man and a sense of adventure is all that you need.
And now I really want a sequel! I want to know more about Azram, about his adventures, aspirations. I want to see how the feelings between MC and Azram become stronger.
But anyway that was magistical, thank you for your game!