Thanks for the question! If having a skill helps for a given risk, then sure. Right now they dont do much mechanically, but what i have been thinking is to have certain obstacles be automatically neutralized by certain skill ranks. For example, hacking a basic PC would be no issue to someone with Hacking (ex).
Thank you!
I have run a few sessions using the system so far, and the combat is relatively quick still. I try to run it FKR style, so no all combat actions follow the rules to the letter. If the fictional position indicates certain death or something, then I simply make a ruling with a (hopefully) suitable outcome.
Gear: Yeah, I think items and pricelists are very effective at world building or implying setting.
Armor: So what armor does is that it adds bonus hits to your character's hits total. So a Battle Armor adds +3 to your 5 hits. Thus you have 8 hits, and could reasonably survive two attacks from a blaster. If I read you correctly, it seems like you think that armor subtracts from weapons hits?
Thanks for commenting! Really appreciate it!