Thanks Effigy13. I've noticed that it appears brighter on some monitors so the flashlight becomes redundant. In the future I might consider adding a brightness slider or something. Just curious, how far did you get? I've also noticed people tend to get lost on the island because there aren't enough unique landmarks (mostly due to time constraints).
This started off quite interesting but overall I found it far too easy and got bored of button-mashing my way around by the time I got to Forwood. I was curious to see if it got harder, but my hand was getting sore!
Having said that, I did enjoy the premise and the artwork, so I had fun at the start. The difficulty curve was just far too shallow to hold my interest.
First, I really like what you've done with the visuals. I love the fog effect and all the art is really nice. A few negatives: I kept getting stuck on the terrain geometry or hitting invisible walls which was frustrating. The trees also pop in from a fairly short distance which was distracting. Also, the enemies were pretty basic and just seemed to be stuck on rails so it wasn't a particular scary experience. Overall, I had fun though, and I really liked the overall ambience and graphic style.
(On an additional note, my submission also deals with monsters in a forest using Unity, so if you get a chance to check it out I'd love to compare notes!)
Hey agwoodliffe, thanks for the feedback :)
You're correct, most of the sound effects are from freesound. The scream letting you know you've been spotted is particularly blood-curdling I think!
It's an interesting idea starting during the day and slowly revealing the creatures to the player. The main reason I avoided this was I wanted to drop the player straight into the game and getting scared as soon as possible! However, one of the big problems I've noticed is how difficult to navigate the island can be. Allowing the player to first orientate themselves during daylight would certainly help.
Thanks again :)
I had mostly focused on Viking mythology and architecture. I was aiming to have it set around 1100AD, during the Christianisation of Scandinavia, but unfortunately I didn't have time to weave those themes into the game.
Also, well done on your submission :). I left more feedback on the submission page, but I really enjoyed it!
The terrifying moment you realise the trees are moving is a really excellent! I had to turn the audio right down though. It's pretty harsh and doesn't offer a lot in the way of feedback anyway. My main question is, what do I do once I've collected enough flowers? I can't find any sort of exit and I just end up dying every time.