unrealated but so many things are so common now i feel like non of the monsters are really adding new things, like the flower and bosses are unique but every other monsterr just walks at you, and they all drop the same loot. i wish things like hats and weapons like the draginslayer should be obtainable in one way only and be special in some way, i know this would require some re work to the boss since the draginslayer would be kind of useless if you can just go get a better longswrod from a big stroll fiend but it would really make the story better and make things feel more impactful instead of random
i don't really think this is a good idea as a veteran player and i think that it would be even more confusing for new players because it makes stats confusing about how they level up. maybe removing the cap would work but i think that the juice fountains or something of that nature where the juice is used and its all in the players contriol is the the best option because it is very clear and easy to understand. it also reflects on teh gameplay and not vice versa, so you know exactly whats happening.
insane to see how far this game has come since mid quarantine when i found it. so glad you can still work on it and cant wait to see where it goes! my only suggestion still is to make weapons rare to find so its fun to get op weapons like the dragginslayer. then juice from monster kills could so something lol. hope your summer is going well fish!
Quick and easy way to make any weapon op. with this, you can take your favorite weapon, and mod its stats to your hearts content.
step 1: go to "C:\Users\[your name]\AppData\LocalLow\Fishlicka\Juice Galaxy\saves" in the files.
step 2: find the .json with the name of the save that contains your weapon. open it.
step 3: scroll through the file, until you find the weapon you want to mod, if you were holding the weapon when you exited, it will be here.
}, "equipment": { "head": "Shades (3.9437),damage (11),knockback (0.4270),mass (0.6289),statMod: moveSpeed (0.7084)", "lhand": "Frozen Pizza (4.1735),damage (0.5464),knockback (0.5208),scale (1.2390),mass (0.4330),statMod: damage (0.6048),statMod: flight (0.6023),statMod: healthRegen (0.0976)",
if it is in your inventory, it will be here:
}, "inventory": { "0/8": "Fish Bowl (13.4424),damage (0.3296),knockback (0.3251),mass (0.1763),statMod: armPower (0.1692),statMod: healthMax (0.5800),statMod: healthRegen (0.0278),statMod: jump (0.6705)", "0/19": "Skull Cap (11.8691),damage (0.8135),knockback (0.5809),mass (0.4065)", "3/0": "Frozen Pizza (4.1735),damage (0.5464),knockback (0.5208),scale (1.2390),mass (0.4330),statMod: damage (0.6048),statMod: flight (0.6023),statMod: healthRegen (0.0976)",
after you find the weapon you want to mod, change the stats to your hears content. you can change the damage in the () before the word damage. player stats can be changed in game by hitting enter and using the console, and you can break some stuff in the .json, so id avise leaving it be, unless you are only going up to 500 if you still want to play the game, and if you want to just kill monsters, 4000.
leave any questions for me and ill get to them if i can.
Quick and easy way to make any weapon op. with this, you can take your favorite weapon, and mod its stats to your hearts content.
step 1: go to "C:\Users\[your name]\AppData\LocalLow\Fishlicka\Juice Galaxy\saves" in the files.
step 2: find the .json with the name of the save that contains your weapon. open it.
step 3: scroll through the file, until you find the weapon you want to mod, if you were holding the weapon when you exited, it will be here.
"equipment": {
"head": "Shades (3.9437),damage (11),knockback (0.4270),mass (0.6289),statMod: moveSpeed (0.7084)",
"lhand": "Frozen Pizza (4.1735),damage (0.5464),knockback (0.5208),scale (1.2390),mass (0.4330),statMod: damage (0.6048),statMod: flight (0.6023),statMod: healthRegen (0.0976)",
if it is in your inventory, it will be here:
"inventory": {
"0/8": "Fish Bowl (13.4424),damage (0.3296),knockback (0.3251),mass (0.1763),statMod: armPower (0.1692),statMod: healthMax (0.5800),statMod: healthRegen (0.0278),statMod: jump (0.6705)",
"0/19": "Skull Cap (11.8691),damage (0.8135),knockback (0.5809),mass (0.4065)",
"3/0": "Frozen Pizza (4.1735),damage (0.5464),knockback (0.5208),scale (1.2390),mass (0.4330),statMod: damage (0.6048),statMod: flight (0.6023),statMod: healthRegen (0.0976)",
after you find the weapon you want to mod, change the stats to your hears content. you can change the damage in the () before the word damage. player stats can be changed in game by hitting enter and using the console, and you can break some stuff in the .json, so id avise leaving it be, unless you are only going up to 200.
leave any questions for me and ill get to them if i can.