When splashing water without aiming, the character splashes in a wider radius, but they can't direct the stream, causing frustration because you want greater effectiveness but can't control it.
When aiming while splashing water, the radius is much larger, and splashing needs to be more careful and longer. Also, if you need to shoot upwards, when tilting, the camera hits the ground and constantly jerks.
Controlling the character also interferes with cleaning.
All these factors particularly hinder and cause frustration. And the final nail in the coffin is that for complete cleaning of an object, it needs to be clean by 90 percent or more. Just try to skip even a little dirt, and you're forced to wander around and about
(used translate, im from ukraine, and not good in english language)
A wonderful game that deliberately loads you with a lot of stuff!!! If in other games it was just tracking indicators, then right there you need to use all 10 fingers from your two hands!!! Type with the entire keyboard athe the same time. Keep your eyes on the road so you don't get knocked down or hit anyone. Trying to not fall asleep shaking the mouse. Choose a girl on tinder. THIS IS JUST INSANE!!! I lost at the last level (sixth), because there were ABSOLUTELY ALL MECHANICS FROM ALL LEVELS!!! THE MOST INTENSE 22 MINUTES OF MY GAMING EXPERIENCE
Последние два уровня делал так быстро, как мог. Про управление: Я не придумал способа адекватно обнаружить землю под слаймом, так как слайм состоит из кучи объектов.
Было бы времени побольше, я бы смог решить все эти проблемы. Я старался всё отполировать как мог, но, обосрался. Второй джем под ряд делаю одни и те же ошибки.
Зелья полезны. Были бы, если бы я продумал их использование на уровне.
Думаю, возможно, допилю игру, где исправлю все эти ошибки. А пока, имеем что имеем.
Надеюсь, топ 5 займу хотя-бы. А то после некоторых отзывов, сомневаюсь в этом
Мне игра чертовски понравилась. Она атмосферная и круто сделанная.
Из минусов только то что вступление нельзя пропустить. После каждой смерти, ты возвращаешься в самое начало. И очень заметно что игра недоработана. А может, весь бюджет ушёл на последнюю сцену |
Еще, я словил не критичный баг. У меня получилось добраться до лифта быстрее МТФ :)
I was super impressed with this game. I never thought that the underwater depths were so frightening. These are huge squids, or octopuses, I don’t know what they are. They scare me very much. Even though they are just static 3D models. Completed the game with two endings. This game gave me inspiration for my game. I think one of my favorite little indie games.
The only thing I can note is that it wouldn’t be bad if the ground had a texture.
10 of 10
I probably did not formulate correctly (And perhaps the translator is stupid, lol), I did not mean that the game is bad. I really like the idea itself. The game and the idea is great, but it is unfinished. Once again, I'm not saying that the game is bad, I want to say that it needs to be improved!!!