I would have to recommend in the future to find a different solution than Mega App for downloading the game. Because of the game's size I had to create an account with them because they won't allow Firefox to download that much. Even after creating the account they only allow 9.9 GB of data every so often unless you get a paid account. I started the download around 1:30 AM and it is now 10:27 AM but there is still another three hours before it will let me download the last 500 MB that I need for the game. I know that hosting on Itch wasn't an option as they only allow 1 GB for games but maybe there's some other option. With GOG accepting adult visual novels now maybe they're an option.
I enjoyed the demo enough to buy the game. I will credit you in that you give all instructions needed to solve the puzzles. You even give a good hint on this page saying "You'll need to think outside more than just the box". My only issue was that I didn't expect to think outside of the game as well. Don't get me wrong, I found it inventive and creative, I just wasn't expecting it. I didn't even use your full walk through, as soon as I saw the first bit I could see where your mind had been going and pieced together the rest. Kudos, now on to the full game I go.
The store page has a Linux and Mac logo indicating Linux and Mac support but the files available for download specifically say "Windows.zip" and the folder indeed only has a Windows executable. Was the mistake checking the box for the Linux and Mac support or was the mistake not including the other executables ?
I got the error
"To comply with international regulations, this transaction has been declined."
when trying to buy the game. I've never seen that error before. I'm in Canada, not sure where you're located but a quick web search showed people in a variety of countries having issues receiving funds from a variety of countries. The various posts dated from 2020 to as recent as 2023.
Almost there :) The .pck file needs to be in a folder alongside the executable where currently it now just downloads the .pck file instead of just downloading the executable. I can confirm when the two are in the same folder the game launches on Linux so as long as you package them together as a download other customers should be good to go.