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A member registered Jun 15, 2017 ·View creator page →

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Push your anti-lgbt+ stances on another platform like x; you're not welcome here. Just because you don't like gay content doesn't mean you can push your want for straight content on others; go play one of the thousands of games already made to cater to your demographic and leave this safe corner of the internet for those it was made to appeal to.

"very few" doesn't mean none, "bud." Good job at naming one other gay platformer versus the numerous straight ones. xD

They've done this to others, too, so I'm coming forward with this.

This isn't just some personal issue; I only have access to my screenshots because everyone else's stuff gets deleted & you cannot expect everyone to take screenshots of their comments beforehand. There is proof of others getting their comments deleted that aren't mine on their game page and in their other game jam entries. What they are doing is censorship. They are actively suppressing information and fabricating another story entirely by commenting things like, "You're working for someone else" or "You never reviewed our game," then blocking the person and deleting others' comments. It's not just one user's comments; it's anything they don't like, or that will change the story they want others to see. That's why their game's demo has comments spread out so far apart.
Their behavior has attacked the community, and that is why I'm speaking out where I can. They do what I stated above across any platform that enables them to do so.

Game Jams are events that help developers form new connections, test their skills, gain experience, and create a sense of community.
The "Roses in the Flames Demo" project does not represent the core principles of a Game Jam. Its creator, CringleDragons, has actively gone out of their way to prove they do not stand on proper morals and will do anything within their power to force a public vision of the project they want. They lie to and censor fans/players to achieve this goal.
Rather than retype everything, I will share an image of posts I have made that have been deleted. One can even go to some of their Jam entries and their projects' comment section and see the leftover proof of deleted comments they couldn't entirely hide. The below image gives my reasoning, which was removed purposefully by CringleDragons to craft a narrative that I am some random sent after them by someone else with malicious intent when, in reality, I am a player who was shunted away and blocked for having a single negative opinion on an otherwise reasonable review.

They have no respect for people or their fans. They do not care for reason. They are not representative of the excellent developers on the platform who have joined this Game Jam, and they don't deserve to be included among such fantastic, hardworking, and skilled creators who care about community. I've come to this conclusion not because of their game or development ability but because of the bad character they so openly demonstrated and their refusal to answer to any toxic practices they implement.
Thank you.

exactly, I couldn't have worded it better myself! ^^

Super awesome font! Thank you for freely sharing it with the community! ^^
I was led here today due to my following VisuStella.

This game demo is utterly fantastic! The movement feels good, and I love the style. The platforming controls put other games to shame. The character is supposed to be some kind of ninja, and I certainly felt like one.  The H-scenes were fantastic, and they are all replayable even after clicking "Continue," which is excellent. Also, I love that there is a respawn button in case you get stuck. Quite a few games still don't have options if players get stuck, and I'm glad this isn't one of them. I cannot praise this demo enough and can't wait to see where this project goes! I wish we could get more gay furry games like this that aren't visual novels, but until then, having this awesome one will have me feeling content.

This creator has gone out of their way to silence critiques of their game demo and try to frame the people who speak out about it as spreading false rumors. They even accuse non-positive reviews of their game of being from people who have not played their demo. This goes to show the lack of respect they have for their players and their opinions. This is not the kind of behavior one should find acceptable from a developer; it's borderline toxic.

ngl. if I need or want the asset pack, I'm going to buy it whether it has a demo or not. won't even try the demo, honestly. the images do a well-enough job of showing the theme for each set

It would be super cool if you made boys' rooms, too!
there aren't any creators out there who make bedroom stuff that isn't super generic, and nobody seems to accept commissions

Since this set is road trip-themed, I was curious if any of your packs had motel exteriors or interiors. I own most of the urban modern packs, but I didn't see anything fitting & the luxury hotel is a far cry from a cheap motel.

There's no issue there; gotta take care of your personal health first and foremost ^^
And well, I believe I've found your Twitter. If you wouldn't mind enabling them, we could speak more about it there via dms. or I can probably contact you via patreon

That game already exists; go play The Adventures of Kincaid, Deep in Brixen Space, Arma's Quest, or any of the likely many other straight furry games, and let us have one of the very few gay-centric furry games that isn't a visual novel. 

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and not everyone has to like the same things. There are no objectively wrong opinions; that's what makes them opinions.

I was mainly looking for different types of interiors.
Like a master bathroom, a garage with and without a vehicle (maybe with a couch in it, cause people do that), different-styled bedrooms (like for preteens and toddler boys and girls, you know, with toys and video games, maybe a bunk bed in one), a patio, an office, an open-concept kitchen variant (I find this very modern and popular), and a backyard. All with day/night variations.

These have been incredibly challenging to locate, meaning I haven't found any. It's especially difficult to find modern-western backgrounds—plenty of Japanese backgrounds to go around, to the point where there are honestly too many of the exact same things. xD

I asked if you took commissions because I refuse to use ai in my project, and I've noticed people don't seem to like taking comms for background work anywhere. And Fiver is full of scammers (with stolen artwork) and ai "artists." I'd be 100% okay with you selling or sharing them here afterward, even if I paid for them, because I think everyone would benefit from having these, and I wouldn't want to deprive people of these hard-to-find options.

It's nice to see the child sprites are getting worked on; I can't wait to see how this progresses.

We lost Foxden and got this. The character looks like something Zed_Technician would make. 😭

Wake up, babe
Banana Ranch update just dropped!

...and I couldn't be more hype!
Well, that's a lie, I guess; while I am SUPER hype and have been waiting for Cotton since the very start, Howl would make me the most hype. BUT regardless, this is cause for celebration~ ^^

I absolutely love your work, and I wish you the best for whatever you have planned after this initial release. Thank you for bringing this to us. Many creators don't make it this far, and you are one of the devs that have, and that's AMAZING!

It was a fantastic ride, regardless of if it ever gets finished. Thank you for sharing it with us all, and I truly wish the best for everyone who was involved in making it

is reproduction planned to be a major component of the game? like... will sex that doesn't involve it be disincentivized or be the mechanically worse option? (for the full release)

Wake Up Babe, New Lucas Update Just Dropped.
much excite! ^u^

darn, you mean we get less Incubus, now? xD

Wish we could get more of him, considering the likelihood of him being the only male we'll be getting. ;u;

are Darrell and Chester the only ones being worked on? I don't really vibe with either of them

Wish there was a more modern version of this with touchscreen smartphones and keyfobs.

that’s literally the one i’m referring to. which he gets perma-removed from the game very easily by just progressing in his story a little ;v;

i can think of several female characters that doesn’t happen to

If this had options to adjust the height or maybe have an additional, smaller body type, that'd be awesome! Would also be nice if it could be downloaded

I'm pretty sure only 1 of those is a "main character" with multiple interactions ^^; 
while there are like 7-8 fully fleshed out important female NPCs ontop of the many others that are tertiary like the two other males

lovely and welcome update~
I LOVE this plugin, by the way. It's super innovative and awesome ^^

wish the game had more male characters. it seems there is only one, which makes the whole picking a preference thing basically mean you don't get to do anything if you take female characters out of the equation.
considering furry can be turned on or off, maybe (if you don't want to make male-specific characters) the named characters' sexes/genders could be given a toggle? on on Facebook
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