God, this was SOOOO good!!!!
I could relate a whole lot to the MC, some lines even made me tear up T_T The story is very interesting too, I'm very intrigued by what's happening and why certaing things aren't as MC remembers!
I was honestly sad that the DEMO ended 'cause I wanted to keep reading xD
The art was also fantastic!!
Really looking forward to the full-game!! <3
I thought perhaps the violence in the common route was only going to come from Shyloh, since he seems to show complete devotion from the get go.
LMAO, Pri, you sweet summer child, how wrong you were!! Damn you, pixies, and your beautiful deceiving selves!!
Jokes aside, this was so cool!! The concept of getting inside a painting, the pixies with gorgeous wings that almost feel painted (perhaps that was intended? they look so good!), the character designs and art in general, the mystery!!
Maybe in the full-game the flamethrower can actually be used to wipe Helios someone's smug smile. You pixies better not underestimate Sev!!
Looking forward to the full release, I'm hooked!
First of all, all the art and GUI is fantastic!! And I freaking love how the logo has a BIG relevance in the story!! It's not many times that you see that in games!!
Then, let's talk about the characters!!
Tristan is such a himbo, and so sweet!! I love him and I HOPE we can rescue him in some endings. Poor guy doesn't deserve Darius' hatred T_T
Darius is a really interesting yandere!! I've always loved the concept of characters that have a paper bag or a mask on their face, and the fact that this one in particular is a yandere AND THE BAG IS NOT A RANDOM BAG makes it even better. I loved how his paper bag was so expressive and accompanied little icons with SFX to make Darius even more expressive!!
And last, but certainly not least, Sabrina!! I don't think I've seen many MCs in yandere games who were as kickass as Sabrina. SHE FUCKING ROCKS. And I'm completely convinced that she will definitely be able to kick Darius' balls in at least one of the endings xD
The writing is great, I really like how the choices influence not only the story but also how Darius behaves towards Sabrina! And the different POVs are very interesting because they let us be even closer to Darius' mind compared to what Sabrina is ACTUALLY thinking!
Finally, the end of the DEMO is a real treat with how the logo changes. It left me excited to see more!!
I can't wait for the full release, will definitely be buying!! <3
Great job!!
Me encantó!!!!
La historia me está gustando mucho y me pareció genial que hubiera 3 rutas diferentes para cada sector (ángeles, humanos y demonios).
Me gustó mucho también que ciertos eventos sucedieran siempre, solo que los ves desde diferentes perspectivas dependiendo con qué personajes estés.
Ansiosa por que llegue la próxima actualización!! <3
Es muy difícil elegir favoritos pero creo que son Hasiel, Maske y Ariel. Igualmente me gustaron mucho todos los personajes!!
They'll probably make an appearance in a bigger project of mine that hasn't been made yet called Panacea (though I made a small prologue called Panacea: Rebirth; but Carmelo & Vance don't appear here). Maybe even in other stories too, but I haven't decided yet.
All stories in the Essentia universe have characters that could potentially meet at some point.
If you liked this universe, you could try out my other stories that take place in Essentia:
- Panacea: Rebirth (prologue for Panacea, that I still haven't made yet)
- Potion Pleasing (which currently only has a demo)
Both take place in Quercus, which is where Carmelo and Vance arrive at the end.
I loved this so freaking much, the characters are all so charming!!!!
I especially loved Maggie and Zapper; their dynamic was great and I really liked the way in which they bonded through their conversations!! I think I started shipping them too <3
Also the theme of the characters being trash collectors and each being inspired after animals that like trash was so cool; it was really creative!!
I honestly love your games so much, you're always a big inspiration to me. Thank you for making games!!!
Hello, everyone!
I decided to move from comments to a community board since I was getting a lot of the same questions in the comment section.
Please read these FAQ before creating a topic, thank you!!
✘ ✘ ✘
The game's soundtrack has a lot of different royalty free themes that can be downloaded for free while others have to be bought in order to access them (mostly through a Storyblocks license).
Once the game's full version is released, I'll make a list of the themes I used just like I did with Where Winter Crows Go.
Please read this post. Thank you for understanding!
Most probably yes! But not right away since these take a bit of time and I'd need to hire people to help me (like I did with WWCG).
There aren't any plans for that, at the moment, sorry. As a creator from Argentina, my sales from Steam would be in Argentine Pesos and, honestly, the economy in my country is so bad right now that I can't really bear the cost of having sales in pesos. Especially considering that many of the people I hire for art, voice acting and other things are from overseas and I have to pay them in USD as well.
This might change if I move to another country some day (which is actually a big possibility given the horrendous economy in Argentina along with other personal reasons) but for now, I really can't. Sorry.
I am NOT comfortable nor approve my characters/works being used in a NSFW/sexual/suggestive way. NSFW content is something very private for me and I don't like other people sexualizing my characters and/or making NSFW content surrounding them. Please, don't create NSFW of my games/characters nor share them publicly (especially not on social media). This also includes excessive gore.
If you still wish to make NSFW fanart/fanfiction or discuss NSFW topics regarding them, please do so in your own private circles. Don't share them publicly in a place where I can see them, don't tag me nor use the tags of my games for this type of content.
Of course! Just be sure to look at my fanart rules for the characters:
Of course! As long as it's not NSFW, feel free!
By all means! I'd love to see it!
For sure! As long as it's not NSFW and you follow the fanart rules, feel free!
Yes, be my guest! The only thing I ask of you is that you keep the warnings and disclaimers on the video AND that the video has your commentary on it. I'm not okay with silent playthroughs.
Do NOT use my content for AI nor NFTs. This includes chatbot, chatgpt or any similar thing.
Hello, everyone!
I decided to move from comments to a community board since I was getting a lot of the same questions in the comment section.
Please read these FAQ before creating a topic, thank you!!
❄ ❄ ❄
Yep! Here's a walkthrough of the game!
A lot of people have been asking me about the soundtrack so I decided to make a list with the themes I used! While all of the music is royalty free, some themes can be downloaded for free while others have to be bought in order to access them (mostly through a Storyblocks license, please check the post for more details).
Yup! You can buy the game onmy Ko-Fi shop (Ko-Fi has an option to pay with card)! Once you make the purchase, I will send you a game key via Ko-Fi message for you to claim it with your itch.io account.
Don't worry! When you buy a game from Itch.io it is automatically linked to your account. If you happen to buy the game on my Ko-Fi shop, it'll be the same since the game key I'll give you HAS to be claimed before you can download the game (so you'll have the game forever linked to your account).
I am NOT comfortable nor approve my characters/works being used in a NSFW/sexual/suggestive way. NSFW content is something very private for me and I don't like other people sexualizing my characters and/or making NSFW content surrounding them. Please, don't create NSFW of my games/characters nor share them publicly (especially not on social media). This also includes excessive gore.
If you still wish to make NSFW fanart/fanfiction or discuss NSFW topics regarding them, please do so in your own private circles. Don't share them publicly in a place where I can see them, don't tag me nor use the tags of my games for this type of content.
Of course! Just be sure to look at my fanart rules for Crowe and Aspen:
Of course! As long as it's not NSFW, feel free!
By all means! I'd love to see it!
For sure! As long as it's not NSFW and you follow the fanart rules, feel free!
Yes, be my guest! The only thing I ask of you is that you keep the warnings and disclaimers on the video AND that the video has your commentary on it. I'm not okay with silent playthroughs.
Do NOT use my content for AI nor NFTs. This includes chatbot, chatgpt or any similar thing.
This is definitely my favorite game from the ones you've made, so far, Kristi. It's really, REALLY good!!!
Gosh, where do I even begin!!
Okay, first of all, the art and the music are fantastic.
In regards to the music, I honestly found myself vibing to it a lot; it was really sweet and fitting to the story!! I'd love to see a playlist for it sometime, if it's possible <3
As for the art, gosh, I was really immersed by it and I love how much personality each marble design has, even without having eyes nor hands (which are probably the 2 most expressive things in a human body)!! You could still FEEL their feelings just by seeing how they talked and the little emoji symbols (like the anger one, the sad/despair one with the purple lines and the light blue little drop)!!
And the CGs? God, the CGs, they were such a treat!! I especially loved the ones that Clarke painted!! Honestly, I'd LOVE for this game to have an artbook. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Now, let's get on with the characters and story!!
This game... is just so relatable, man. I lost count of all the times I teared up because one of the marbles said something that pulled at my heartstrings T__T
Clarke especially was the marble I connected to the most, with Echo and Lilco being close seconds. Some things I really related to:
- Clarke's discarding a lot of their ideas because "they sounded like garbage and no one would like them";- Clarke focusing so much on their career they barely have friends;- Clarke not completely believing when people compliment their work because "they must just be trying to be nice";- Clarke trying to create something that others would like so as to please them instead of something that they themself would like;- Clarke being crushed by someone's opinion to the point it's always on their mind, even though a significant amount of time has passed;- Clarke being... mean to themself (like Cotton points out in her route); - Echo wearing a mask because she felt people wouldn't like her true self;- Lilco feeling like a failure...- The overall low self-esteem that many of these characters have;
I could keep going but I'm gonna stop here 'cause it'd be here for hours LMAO. But let's just say I could relate A LOT to the characters. Although they are marbles, their struggles are very HUMAN and made me feel really connected to them.
I love how in EVERY SINGLE ROUTE it's not only the struggles of the love interest that gets addressed but also the struggles of Clarke, the MC!! I've read a lot of romance games where, sadly, the MC doesn't get much focus when it comes to their issues, and it feels like they live solely for their love interest instead of the relationship feeling balanced and like neither has to quit their dream.
This is not the case in A Marble's Muse. Just like how Clarke helps the other marbles with their struggles, the marbles help Clarke just as much. It's a story that deals with very human conflicts like overworking to the point of that being your hole life, grief over the loss of someone, depression, low self-esteem, artist's block, painful partner separations, gender identity, being underestimated because of looks... and the way it does all of this is very balanced.
You don't ONLY get drama, there's also tons of comedy and endearing moments that will make you smile from ear to ear <3
I think Deadlock was probably my favorite route. The scene where he talked to Clarke about what it means to be an artist honestly made me cry. As silly as it may sound, it felt like he was also talking to me. His message about how opinions aren't everything, about how we also make art for ourselves... because it makes us happy. It struck a chord in me.
Still, I loved every single character in this game (except for professor Manuel, he can go to hell for all I care) and, man, the LORE in the marble universe is DEEP, let me tell you.
This already turned into an essay so I'll stop here LMAO. But I just wanted to say, this game is amazing, Kristi. You're an amazing writer and creator. This is a game that will live in my heart forever <3
Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm really happy you enjoyed the story!! 💖🥹
It makes me happy that you liked Vance so much!! Yes, sadly they had resigned themself to the belief that "being insulted for their mixed race is normal", which is why Carmelo gets sad/angry. Carmelo can tell Vance actually doesn't want people to be assholes to him. Unfortunately, dragons are a very proud race and a majority of them believe in this "pure blood" bullcrap 🥲.
And yee, I wanted these two to balance each other out and protect each other from things that hurt them (Carmelo protecting Vance from racist assholes and Vance protecting Carmelo from his abusive father), just like you said!
I definitely plan to expand a bit on their story since many characters from the Essentia universe will appear again in other stories! And I think it'd would be amazing for Vance to meet another mixed race character 🥰
Awww, thank you so much!! 🥰💖 I'm happy you enjoyed it!!
The transparent thing happens if you click too fast or if you press the skip button; it's because of the transitions.
I love Solange and Eirwin so much, their chemistry was wonderful and it was so cute how they longed to see each other!!
I wish to believe the canon ending is the one where they stay together as spirits, it's super cute and makes me happy for Solange as well so that she isn't trapped in a life she doesn't want.
Awesome job with the writing, art, voice acting, music and programming!! <3
Gosh, this was heartbreaking; I did both routes and while one is truly devastating because of how bad it gets, the amicable route is also very sad.
I honestly can't hate Marley nor Divorcette, it's clear that these 2 were just not on the same page, they were not communicating well and barely had anything in common. All of that cost them their marriage.
There's no real villain here. This is just 2 people who are clearly very stressed for different reasons and not right for each other.
It's very sad, because it's so often that we see relationships fall apart because of a lack of communication and here there's not only a lack of communication but a HUGE lack of compatibility; and not only about hobbies but also about their love language.
From the story, it feels that Divorcette's love language is quality time while Marley's might be words of affirmation and physical affection. However, they never really talk about it (until it was too late) and they're not able to meet each other half-way. When a couple is so different from one another and neither one is willing to compromise... things won't end well.
This was a great read, the writing was awesome and I loved the art and UI!!
Great job everyone!!
This is such a fun game!!
I've just finished part 3 and, man, THE PLOT TWISTS!!! There were so many things I was NOT expecting and they got me so hyped!! Especially regarding the MC!!
I still have a couple of routes to play but the ones I already did were great!! It's honestly really hard to choose a favorite because every route has its charm as do the characters!! BUT if I had to choose my favorite love interests, I'd have to say Cheri and Noel (though Kalei also has a special place in my heart)!!
The art, music and voice acting were amazing; props to Chase Beck for his roles as Kalei and Dominion, such different characters and his performance was fantastic as both!!
Congratulations on finishing Repurpose, Eros!! it's such a fun and sweet game; it made me smile a whole lot <3
I'm looking forward to more projects of yours!!
This was so sweet and adorable it makes me wanna cry tears of happiness T_T
Jay's social anxiety was super relatable, and I honestly think I TOO would be less nervous about meeting a gorgeous monster than a group of people dksbgdksb.
Verrin's sweetness and kindness just melted my heart and I love the dynamics he has with Jay!!
I'd love to see more content with them!! <3
Congratulations on releasing the final version and happy birthday Artemis!! <3
This game is my favorite romance game ever, I have replayed it so much that even my friends sometimes tease me about it. Thank you so much for making such a wonderful game!! Your story has cheered me up so many times, I love every single character in it, it makes me smile every time!!
Looking forward to more of your stories!!