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A member registered Mar 10, 2024 ·View creator page →

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Beautiful pack!!! Do the water or trees have any animations? Five stars!

When will the female come? And she will have the same spear, death, walk, run, etc. and all? Will she also have a backpack?

But the graphics are very well crafted, right? I'm not buying them, but this artist deserves the money. I hope it does go far.

Edit: (okay, I really want to buy them...)

And the demo-guys are tiny -_-

I was betting on it sizing them up.

They look great! I was excited to use them, but it seems that the sprite-sheet has them drawn at a non 1:1 scale. Each pixel in the character is depicted by about 4.5 pixels, hence some blurring. Idk the proper terminology to express this, but could you include the spritesheets in an unscaled form, like they are in many of the gifs?

Idk, I kinda like the muted page look...

Oh man, this is brilliant!!!!!! I've tried making this retro kinda tune and REALLY appreciate the quality of this! Cross my fingers this isn't malware, download, and 5 stars!

I really like the size. A lot of other book-GUIs seem too large to work with lower-res pixel art.

This looks brilliant! Five stars

This is stunning! The colors, too, are just brilliant! Idk if it's your thing, but if you could make a tileset with this same blue theme with the norse/medieval/rune vibes, I'd LOVE THAT. Five stars for this, anyway!

I don't have nearly enough skills to customize this guy, but he looks amazing! Nice job!!

I seriously just browse your art for entertainment, this is amazing... Speaking of which... Can you upload more screenshots of this specific pack?

Idk if you still need help, but it's probably nothing to do with the graphics.

These are some of my all time favorite graphics. Could you please expand upon the style? I tried making a stone and autumn edition, but they didn't look as good as yours.

Frustrating and addictive, nice job!!!

HEY!!! This is awesome!!! Please make more or share the code so someone can! The world needs more Mecha Genesis: Tactics. Five stars, good sir.

This is amazing!!! I mighta spent 20 dollars on this, thanks so much for making it free! Very thorough work, and great job making all the objects so identifiable. Five stars!

If anyone makes a game with these graphics,please drop a link. This stuff is amazing and I'd love to see it all in action.

I think these are the best in Pixel Asset Pack Jam #8!!! But I can't rate it in the jam, cuz I didn't submit anything, and am only a hypocrite, XD

What palette did you use for this?

Edit: Oh, hah, db-32 palette?

THIS IS GENIUS!!! The mechanics blow my mind, all the different purposes, and the repetition of each level with a longer sword and slightly different mechanics is just too good!!! 11 stars if I could give it! 

These guys are adorable, detailed, and engaging! I wanna play a game with them in itSO BAD

EDIT: They're my all-time favorite 16x16 characters


I never imagined that a 1D game could use an invisible 2D plane!!! Great work!!!

You could play this pretty effectively with only your right hand...

So much fun!!!

Could you add maps? Maybe a floor-is-lava one?

These look so cute and yet detailed! Nice job!!!
Edit: Would you consider making more? Also, what color is the scarecrow's hair? On the cover it's straw, but in the video it's brown?

This guy looks awesome!!! Why can't he be downloaded...? Can you make more in his style?

Beautiful work, it looks almost as though it were painted!!!

Btw: Why is it that you've chosen to have characters decorated in various shades of the same hue?

Really cool! Her legs look a little funny to me in the forward/backward animations, but besides that I think she's the superior sprite. Will you be able to adapt the rest of the tileset to match it? on on Facebook
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