as i said before the elixirs aren’t helping and infact that only slows the damage taken, i need to know if I’m taking this fight on too early or if theres something im doing wrong…don’t tell me, do i need to keep trying and rng a win?
Current (losing) statsStrength = 766 )(Endurance = 492 )(Dex = 425 )(Agility = 1453 )(Magic = 123
i just encountered this going to the 9th floor from 8th, which is a shame cause i didn’t quick save yet (judging from previous post and music id say the fight happens after entering the stairs) might be best to designate the stairs area (and safe areas) as a no monster spawn area
Edit: the automatic quick save is a life saver good job there didn’t notice that before
switched from the VN mode To the gameplay mode and every 5 steps i get the prompt to rest, ((( can you please make this have a chance changer or change this to a button and reminder? ))) like seriously I’m not kidding every 5 blocks {Hm… I wonder if I should rest for a while?}… i see this20x more than monsters.sometimes i even get stuck in a prompt loop.
[just incase i primarily use a Steelseries pc controller]
chances should be more player friendly as i swear i get something and train all week and get nothing but red text then when the buyer comes he says "you haven't trained enough"... WTF i trained her from catch to sell immediately after he left first time! please either make chances of success easier or make the buyer a bi-weekly thing
accidentally discovered that this game (and similar) takes "no controller support" to the extreme by disabling some controls... how did i figure this out you may ask? well my controller glitches every now and then making there be no connection to the wireless usb, and suddenly i can play... playing with the usb off from now on