Thanks for the feedback! I'll upload a Linux build, but don't have anything to test it on, so I can't guarantee it won't be even buggier. If the Linux build turns out to be worse, you can "hack" Resources/Save/Player.xml, and set all the <globalBools> to true. That should get you to the good ending if the bugs are preventing you
Thanks for commenting!
Sorry about the "Run" key, made it rebind-able and defaulting to both left and right shift in latest version.
Good point about the items, too. As it is, most items are random. In some later missions, there are locked rooms full of sentry-guns and body armor, that spawn every time. I do like the randomization, as it requires more careful thinking about what to take on a mission, but you've made me realize I should make the randomized item spawn dependent upon what's already in the player's inventory.
Others have mentioned the C4 too, so it could probably do with a nerf.
Thanks again for playing and taking the time to comment, It really helps!
Appreciate the feedback! The reinforcement period is different for each mission. In mission 5, the first wave takes a while to spawn, but subsequent waves spawn much faster. It's pretty punishing, I admit.
For harder missions, I always pack the Radio Jammer, which reduces the number of guards spawning, and increases the time it takes them to spawn. Possibly one of the more useful late-game items. Almost essential on missions 5 and onward. I'm impressed you got through mission 8, though!
This was a late reply, but thanks for taking the time to play and give feedback. Much appreciated!
Thanks so much for posting, it helped me find a potentially game-breaking bug! Seems that continuing the campaign after restarting the game causes conversations and some messages to glitch out. It will make getting the best ending impossible. Will have a fix shortly.
Until then, you can edit Player.xml file in Resources/Save folder and change the "currentMission" number at the end of that file to skip ahead to other missions if you get stuck.