Un concepto muy gracioso, en cuanto he descubierto que podia hacerle KO a mis compañeros de trabajo me ha faltado tiempo para empezar a tirarme a por ellos 😆.
Mi única pega es que algunas veces no he podido manejar bien el salto cuando está muy al límite de altura y eso ha hecho que me caiga bastantes veces 😭.
En la parte de los ascensores hubiera matado a alguien 🤠
Otro compi de Godot jejejeje 😈 como me gusta ver como la gente empieza a usar el robotito azul.
Los gráficos son muy coloridos y graciosetes, y la mezcla de elementos 3D con sprites 2D siempre me gusta 😃.
Para los controles de hinchar el globo, a veces es un poco demasiado caótico. Se por donde queréis tirar la jugabilidad, pero a veces termina siendo frustrante. Creo que hacer que la aguja vaya de izquierda a derecha hasta que sueltes el botón arreglaría el problema de la frustración y mejoraría el feeling del juego 😊.
Las cinemáticas están muy chulas, y el juego es bastante atmosférico en los momentos clave de tensión, yo creo que en parte gracias a los gráficos tan conseguidos que le habeis metido, bastante guay 😄.
Si que creo que algunas partes donde el narrador se pone graciosete igual desentonan un poco con el resto del juego, ya que hace que no me lo termine de tomar en serio. De hecho, al empezar a jugarlo pensaba que tendría un toque más cómico que de tensión.
La parte de la araña no está muy clara, como dicen otros usuarios. He probado todas las combinaciones de teclas, a mirar a todos lados y a interactuar con todo, pero después vaciarle el cargador entero no he podido continuar. Además, el que salte la cinemática sin opción a omitirla cada vez que te mata la araña se hace algo tedioso 😅.
En general, buen juego, ¡enhorabuena!
¡Muy bien hecho! Bien pulido y con mucha atención al detalle, ¡enhorabuena! 😀
El concepto del juego es muy original, y los minijuegos están bien hechos y son entretenidos. Si que creo en general deberían ser más cortos porque llega un punto en el que ya has entendido la mecánica principal y te has hecho a ella, pero el juego insiste en que la repitas varias veces o durante un periodo prolongado, volviendose algo tedioso en algunas partes.
El minijuego más redondo creo que es el de la peluquería, una vez que entiendes la mecánica, lo completas directamente y pasas al siguiente. El de disparar y el de los colores son los dos que creo que deberían ser algo más cortos, con 30-60 segundos de disparos diría que está bien, y con superar una vez el de los colores con un pelín más de dificultad considero que sería suficiente.
Por lo demás, estad orgullosos del trabajo que habéis hecho en un mes, ¡está fantastico!
Concepto muy original, y que esté hecho en Godot siempre es un plus 😜.
Me gusta como las cosas que tienes que hacer son progresivamente mas bizarras y que la música acompañe a todo el proceso de hacer locuras para despertarte, eso añadido al shader de distorsión hace que quede muy original, ¡Buen trabajo!
La pantalla de créditos también me ha parecido muy chula, lo único que igual cambiaría es la fuente, que me da la sensación de que queda muy 'aburrida' y no termina de pegar del todo.
Así como único punto a mejorar, a veces los marcadores de las tareas no aparecen bien y me he tenido que pegar un buen rato investigando y haciendo otras cosas hasta que finalmente han aparecido. No se si esto es intencional de que hacer algunas cosas bloquea a otras, pero me ha hecho perder algo de tiempo 😅.
¡Enhorabuena, buen trabajo!
Very fun to play! I like your personal twist to the formula, it adds some spice to the endless runner genre! 😁
Having to throw obstacles at yourself with a time limit is a nice and original challenge, it scales difficulty progressively in a nice and organic way, well done!
I've missed a press-sensitive jump (pressing the jump key more time makes you jump higher) but I guess that dropping down was your way to fix the problem. Just being a bit picky here, the game's quite fine 😛
Good job!
I've already played and reviewed your game, I remember seeing it in my post of Godot submissions 😊
Be sure to check out and rate our projectScale Tale!
Very ambitious game for a game jam, this genre is not something that I'm used to seeing around these places, well done! 😀
The game reminds me of old PC games with its aesthetic, UI and style, it's like if you took the original Fallout and washed its face and adapted its mechanics to another genre; it's really charming! 😊
It's impressive that you've managed to add a combat system, levels (in plural) and an AI to play with, along with information UIs, combat log and post-match decissions, good job! 😄
I would appreciate if the interactuable items in the map such as enemies would have a larger hitbox to click, I miss-clicked many times for just a few centimeters!
Other than that, impressive work guys, you should feel proud! 😃
This prototype could potentially become the next popular puzzle game if you invest more time into it, the concept is simple yet original, good idea 😀
The game lacks a little bit of polish in my opinion. It feels a little slow and clumsy to play, and sometimes the controls were playing against me. I think that you should limit the variety of boxes to just 4 or 5, I spent a long time waiting for a matching box to fall while playing. I also think that matching boxes should automatically merge if they are touching each other and they are in the same size, it would make the game feel more dynamic.
Keep working on it guys, this game has potential, now you have to exploit it even more! 😊
Very nice submission! You have made a wide variety of puzzles to resolve with just a few mechanics, well done! 😄
The game feels polished and I love the art style with 2D lights and shadows, it's really charming 😊
I'd recommend making the jump higher or lower depending on how much time you're pressing the jump button, like the Mario Bros games. There were a few instances where that would have saved me some trouble hehe
I'd also revisit some of the puzzles to adjust them. For the most part they are fine and it's easy to see what you want the player to do, but there are a few instances where it's a little confusing and I had to resolve them in less conventional ways 😆
Good job overall!
Very nice puzzle game, you have managed to add a wide variety of mechanics and levels in such a short time, good job! 😁
I feel like our games are kind of similar, with the difference that yours is a 2D platformer and our game is a 3D platformer, but the core concept of scaling the environment and solving puzzles is there 😀
The gameplay always feels fresh and varied, you constantly introduce a new mechanic whenever the player has understood the previous one, and that makes the game feel dynamic, well done!
I'd revise some of the jumps, as for example, the one that @Xentios uploaded in the previous comment seems to be unreachable, I got lucky to finally get it right, but it's more challenging that it should.
The player sprite looks blurry while moving. In my experience, that usually happens when you use a movement function inside_process instead of_physics_process, I don't know if it will be your case, but I would definitely look into that so the game feels more polished and professional 😊
Very good game, be proud of your Godot knowledge because you are on the right path, well done!
We wanted to implement a feature to scale the player shooting the magic ray in a mirror but we had to make a choice: we either polished our current work, or we tried to implement a possibly game-breaking feature with more dynamics around the map to make good use of it.
At the end, we decided to postpone the implementation of self-scaling for future patches, but it still hurts as it would've been quite unique and interesting if well implemented 🥲
Here's a link to our game Scale Tale if you want to try it out 😊
The gameplay reminds me of the plane minigame in Lego Island Extreme Stunts, really nostalgic! (I'm not gonna reference Superman for the N64 when Lego Island is a 1000 times better reference heh).
The concept is quite simple, and I think that its simplicity is holding back the true potential of the gameplay. Adding more gameplay elements to the formula would make this game more interesting to play, things such as speed buffs and debuffs, moving targets, going though different locations, etc.
The movement felt overall nice, but there are two minor issues that distracted me while playing. The player's model seems to have a little stutter; I don't know if this will be your case, but when it happened to me it was because I was calling a move function inside_processinstead of_physics_process. The other issue is a silly little detail, and it may be an only me problem, but the camera angle is a little rotated in some parts of the game, which was a little distracting for me.
The game having an online multiplayer option is quite ambitious and unique for a jam game, well done! I haven't had time to try it out yet, but I do want to give it a try with someone and have some races 😄
Well done overall, keep working and improving guys, you are in the right path!! 😊
Thank you for playing! 😊
To scale object that are below you, you must look down so the scaling ray goes down too! I don't remember how was it explained in the signs now so it's possible that we didn't properly explain it.
We wanted to add a lot of different elements and at the end we had a very large game hehe, we will be working hard to polish everything, stay tuned! 😄
We already reviewed your game, be sure to check ours too! 😄
We madeScale Tale, a classic 3D platformer where you can rescale the environment around you to make your own platforms!