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A member registered Feb 18, 2021 ·View creator page →

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can you please put a limit on how many fucking shamans can spawn because i always lose to spell king because theres no fucking way to wipe out all the shamans before all the enemies are 10x stronger

2 imp armies with a cemetery in between them and a maxed-out demon king, my game lagged and crashed but i made it to 55, the demon kin'gs hp was like 40k

yeah can you add a setting that disables damage numbers and particle effects because it's getting to the point of seconds per frame

im gonna fucking kill myself im so angry (5 stars)

You can steal source code on steam and epic protect against that.

lol nice I must say bullet boi is orders of magnitude harder, my highscore is only 14.

lol I remember playing this on khan academy, I was so bad at it I always gave myself infinite damage and lives. 

just stack up on frags, it takes me 1 or 2 kills to clear a whole wave after 10 frags with bleed

got to wave 107 until it mde my computer crash lol (I had 32 stacks of frags and 23 lightning lol)

it would be cool if you added a blade bow upgrade for rogue where you can melee attack (about the size of sword but with lower damage) by pressing q but it decreases bow fire rate by like 25%. rogue just kind of sucks for area control rn and I only used them once and never again.

Holy shit I remember playing this on Khan Academy like 5 years ago. 10/10 big nostalgia.

 It would be cool if you made an infinite mode unlockable after you beat the game. Maybe more difficulty options too because I beat it flawless first try. 

Good game.

make it infinite pls and add a selling system

hitboxes for enemies should be substantially larger and add a joystick to indicate which direction you're facing please.

Love everything about this, I feel like instrument 2 is paced perfectly up until about section 3.


Oh boy, I sure can't wait to play autism game 2.0! (I have been sitting here for 3 hours.)

(Nothing to do with the discord BTW)

Just wanted to know if you could balance some of the pink augments, because as far as I'm concerned, the blue fire and burst augmentssuck. Maybe change the blue fire so that it ignores armor or something (would balance the measly extra 50 damage late game) and maybe change the burst to 5 shots every 50 fireballsor keep it the same, but they have an explosive AoE when they hit the ground. (Idk maybe like the size of the lava puddle or smth.)

Just noticed that because they are essentiallydoodoo compared to statik and life steal.

Anyway, I'm not a game dev and am stupid and shit so this probably doesn't matter and stuff.

TL;DR: Blue fire and burst are stinky, made me sad when I looked at the lack of how helpful they are.

Enemies get WAAAAAY too OP. I'm not a fan of enemies being 50% faster, 50% tankier, or dealing 50% more damage. Maybe have a difficulty option or a Zen mode because I don't like having 50% more battery recharge speed on wave 2 with 3 hulks shredding my tower.

How is this a roguelike? There are no upgrades whatsoever.

I need lore on how the copper ingot guy smelts ores over a campfire while holding them with his dick. or am i just stupid and it looks like his dick but isnt

Somebody used clear all browsing data, including cookies for some reason *hides lotion*

lol my monkey spelled n i g b a.

close one.

there should one hundred percent be a banana break option which lets you have a monkey rest for a couple seconds to eat bananas and it gives them +1% speed for every minute on banana break. I just want monke to eat banan.

I only got to wave 9, enemies move way too fast, and leveling up is too hard.

Too slow, plus I think you should be able to have stat customization, like strength and intellect or something. Strength would allow you to have resistance against physical jabs and maybe intellect ones because your IQ is too low to understand them. Intellect would allow you to hold a larger hand and have a 25% chance to play a card automatically when the opponent insults you (It doesn't count as your turn.).

10/10, this could totally be compatible with mobile too. Not that I use mobile, it's just that there are few games which are so simple. Anyways...

I beat it in 5:29, no hits taken on my third try. I am now pro sweat and can flex my boss baby rights. on on Facebook
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