I don't have a specific date; the shift will hopefully happen sometime in December. Since you've gotten access to the Patreon version, you don't need to pay for it here. At some point, probably once I've started my next project, new patrons won't automatically get a key for the full game, but for now, Patreon is just an alternate way of getting access to the game. Patrons will continue to get new versions ahead of time, at least for a while.
So you're good!
At the moment, the available options don't change based on what routine is active; I'll change that in an upcoming release. In my testing, once you do choose, "You can pick the menu," you should get breakfast with Terry the next morning. I'll keep investigating to see what's going on! If you're willing and able, it would help me diagnose it if you send an affected save file to phanes@phanes.me (on Windows, save files are stored at: %APPDATA%\RenPy\RuinMe-1537207983 ). Either way, I'll try and track down what's going on!
I'm afraid I don't have the resources to offer proper support for 32 bit devices (official support for 32 bit Android apps has been phasing out for years). That said, I am having trouble seeing in the official docs when Ren'Py dropped support for them.
Regardless, I believe my last big Ren'Py version upgrade was Ruin Me 0.57.0, so I would guess that any version at 0.56.x or before would still work for you. Barring that, you should be able to run the web version.
The game page doesn't tell me anything about what the game is; I would expect at least a paragraph letting me know what I do in the game and what the story/premise/theme is.
The long list of jam submissions at the right is distracting and implausible. Does this game really fit the themes of "You're not supposed to die," "Aberration," "Oil and Water,"and three different MixJam prompts? Some of those are optional themes, but it kinda feels like you just submitted it to every open jam you could find, including one that seems to be for collections of 3D assets.
I'd recommend you provide a description or other teaser for the game that would give a visitor a reason to download it, and submit to no more than one or two jams.
There's no way in-game in this version, 0.56.3; the next public version (current patron version) adds Ren'Py Sync, which would let you transfer the saves to another platform, including web.
That said, the save files are stored on the phone (maybe in the SD card) at: Android\data\com.phanes.ruinme\files\saves
Backing up the files in that directory (using a computer) and restoring them when you reinstall should restore your saves, but do so at your own risk.
Once Ruin Me is "done," I'll probably make most of the patron-only stuff available to anyone who "owns" the game (whatever that looks like). Cheats won't ever be a fully supported feature, as I don't consider it a big priority to make sure they work without causing bugs elsewhere.
If anyone is tech-savvy enough to mod/hack the game on their own, feel free! It would be relatively straightforward, and the basic variable names are very guessable ("ken", "depravity", "permissivity", etc.).
There aren't any available for free; the $5 tier onmy Patreon gives access to a cheat menu. However, I've done my best to avoid most situations where you'd want to skip stuff; the only actual grindy bit should be getting Ken early on, which is optional. Note that Act II and Act III each add a new way to generate Ken faster. I have plans to improve that system, but they're currently on the back burner.
I've doublechecked, and visiting in night-time is still working. You do need special permission for entering while Terry is asleep, which happens at Permissivity 4; asking, "Is it all right if I check in on you at nighttime?" will unlock any permissions that are currently available for you. I'll clarify things so it's clear that entering when Terry is asleep is a special case.
Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm definitely walking a fine line with the jealousy dialogue, especially early on, as you point out. I do want people who activate that option as soon as it's available to see immediate results, but it sounds like I may have gone too hard too fast. I'll make a note to take a second look at the early stuff. I'm glad to hear that it works well later on.
On stuff like a mismatch between jealousy dialogue and forms of address, I think I want to leave that in the hands of the player. If someone wants to be a dom that doesn't actually get respect, I'm fine enabling that, even if it's a bit awkward from time to time.
Oh no! That's not a great way to play the game. I'm not immediately sure what could be going on. Can I ask a few starting questions to try and diagnose your issue?
Hi! My intention is that the only difference between playing a character with a cock or a cunt is the actual actions you can take. I don't want it to ever come across like one form of anatomy is better or worse than another.
Could you be more specific as to where someone implies that it's a shame you don't have a cock? Who does it, and when? I've clearly made a mistake somewhere and this isn't how I want the game to read.
I'm so glad you liked it! I liked playing around a bit more in the puzzle space than I normally do in side stories in the game. Early on in the game's development, I wasn't sure if "melancholy" was a mood that would work for a smutty game, but I think it works in stories like this one and horror expeditions like The Momentary Cabin or The Pileous Retort.
I'll try and keep up the good work!
The first level of training for each stat doesn't have special scene art, so there shouldn't be anything wrong there. You should start seeing scene-specific art on the level 2 trainings.
I may go back and add more art to the earlier trainings at some point, but even later in the game there are only a few specialized poses for Theresa.
I mention this in the "Approach" section, but the game is mostly text-based; many sex scenes with Theresa are drawn, but the game generally just describes sex. Besides the fact that I'm still building my art skills, that approach lets me make complicated and hot sex scenes with a lot of different options and not have to produce a whole bunch of art.Ruin Me leans more toward the "novel" side of "visual novel" compared to other explicit erotic games.
I use Ren'Py's built in self-voicing support on desktop platforms, accessible by pressing V. You should be able to access all controls using a keyboard, and I've tried to provide (voiced) alt text when appropriate. I've done a decent amount of extra work to make sure my game's specific features, like procedural text, are supported by Ren'Py's self-voicing.
The game does not support external screenreaders like JAWS, just the OS's built-in TTS. There's at least one open issue for Ren'Py itself to support screen readers via the AccessKit API, but there's no estimated timeline for that.
There are additional accessibility options built into Ren'Py on a menu accessible by the A key, particularly font options. These should work, but they're a lower priority to me than self-voicing.
Thanks for your interest! If anyone who uses these features has feedback or notices anywhere where the game doesn't seem to be using them right, please let me know! I don't have any major vision impairments, so there may be problems that I won't spot.
Hi! I'm so glad you're enjoying the game!
I'll probably include some minor egg/vore/parasite imagery in the future, but I don't currently have any major things planned for it. Maybe I'll get a patron request for it! Otherwise, it'll likely be in passing and not central like it is to some horror expeditions.
I love it! Thank you so much for this! She has so much character in your art and I love the elaborations you've done on the dress.
It's actually really encouraging for me to see that my own much-less-skilled art is successfully conveying things like her build and posture. I'm definitely going to cheat and consult things about this art when I do revisions and additions to my own, to help me learn and understand where I can improve. :D
May I share the "in-game" pics on Twitter? I'm happy to mention a Twitter handle of yours or just link here (or RT your post if you'd prefer to make one of your own).
Hi! Thanks so much for the thoughts! I have more in-depth stuff on this in some patron-only posts, but for your specific questions:
I really appreciate the interest! If I could, I'd add all of that stuff to the game immediately, but sadly there's only so much energy I have for writing. It's very encouraging and inspiring to get posts like this. Thank you for the support!
Yup, basically everything that's in training should eventually end up as a play item in some form; it's just a matter of time to write stuff, giving a variety of stuff in updates, and priorities picked by patron polls.
Once you get a penis in the sex change lab, you should be able to use it in scenes. If you've come across a place where the game doesn't seem to realize you have one, let me know! That's a bug.
I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I let patron polls guide a lot of my thematic choices, but all of these are on the table.
Oops! The latest version introduced a bug. Sorry about that! I've just uploaded a new public version (the new patron version is coming in a few minutes). You should be able to download the updated version and extract to a new directory; your autosaves should work fine.
Thanks for letting me know the issue you ran into!