Awwwwwwwwww so cute!
Is there ever gonna be the real game not the demo??
Is this gacha life backgrounds?
#Shadowcadet (OwO) Derpy Harry Potter
I know this isn't supposed to do with the game, but how do you change ur prof pic?
I aM nOt SmArT - Hairy Pawter P.S If you like LDshadowlady say #Shadowcadet
I jUsT dOwNlOaDeD ThE CuTeSt GaMe In ThE WoRlD!
Don't you just loove scrolling through the comments? (I'm weird) Derpy Harry Potter (OwO) JuSt Me DeRpY pAwTeR
JuSt NaTsUkI! (fav character)