ok, this game is legitimately fantastic! just when you think you have the gameplay down, be wary, it will mess with your perception & expectations completely. at least for me lol
and yet the puzzles were still great and i enjoyed throughout. definitely one to go in blind btw. thanks for creating this unique, infernal experience !!
Creator, wherever you are I truly hope youre doing great. or at least better. I just w anted to say this "zine" (among very different games) have actually inspired me to create some experiemtnal artpiece myself someday. I've just had a lot of time to think about the future with all the shit going on nowadays. idk maybe it's a stupid thought and I'm sure it means nothing to you.
but I think it's important for those like me who felt they havent done anything important in their life, be encouraged to make an expression. something that will be a part of their history on this earth. but it's all just coding after all.
Also is there an official ost for this anywhere? it's quite interesting