Why is your online store down?
"The merch is currently sold out! I’m planning to focus my energy on my future games right now, so the store probably won’t be live again until my next big game comes out"
I found that here : https://brianna-lei.tumblr.com/about it's her tumblr ^w^
First, I wanted to say that I played this game for the first time now over a year ago. And when I started I just couldn't stop playing this game (until I finished it of course U_U) I cried, I laught, I GHFjdjktAuGHg gay too.
This game is AaawWesOMe, the graphics, the humor, the story,everything!
Please, if you haven't played to this game and you are reading this comment U_U ... what are you doing here ? Download it ! (plz)
(And if you are rich or idk have a paypal, give all your money, because I can't. And if I could I would HUMHUM.)
Soooo, bye bye, have a nice day~ I'm going to re download it uwu
(also.. Brianna Lei, if you want a French translation or something idk. I'd be glad to help!)