I am thinking you could collect a new grappling hook as a "power-up" or an item every few platforms. People would have to jump up to it to get it and use it as they please, but only once, so it adds a depth in deciding if this is the good time to use it. Then there would be checkpoints in case they fell down, so they can respawn and use that grappling hook again.
I am glad you enjoyed my little game! Yeah, the car does a cool flip, I put much more effort into this than I should have :D Picking up all the crops at once is a bug which deletes the previous crop, sorry about that :D Definitely something that needs to be fixed. I am looking forward to expanding this game, adding new features, crops, upgrades and more! If you have any cool ideas you would like to share, please do so, I would love to see them :) Thank you for playing!
I was really looking forward to playing this game. Unfortunately I don't have a 16:9 screen. You need to make the UI scale with the screen size, now I couldn't see most of the important UI. Make the UI's RectTransforms be anchored to the sides of the screen, not to the middle, and make sure to tweak some settings in the Canvas (fit to height/width). Other than that, it is really impressive this was made in 3 days!