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A member registered Feb 23, 2021

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Love this game it is a real sandbox you can pretty much do whatever you want ironic because you are in a prison and have totally freedom however something to think about if you keep tinkering can you make combat a little harder at level 5 you are pretty much untouchable but also add perks or boost to your back story like red suit a boost in combat orange a boost to agility prostitute boost to sexiness and maybe add some sounds

the zip I have the option to extract when I go through my downloads 

Heyi am on android and the pictures are not showing up I extracted the files but still nothing did i mis a step

Is it possible to be dominant over Tavi I beat her in like 3 or 4 fights and a bit of a scene plays out but is there a way to actually Dom her

could you possibly make it so you can give her a bigger bust and butt like a upgrade you buy or something to that effect great game by the way

I found a couple in a dev room you can get into by jumping over the floor that drops you to the lower levels at the start of a new game but if you on PC you can get all of them by pressing ~ and typing help for a list of comands but I do not think the tapes are working just yet not sure have not updated the game yet

Can I get some help with izzy I can't find her second date I looked through the scene flowchart but can't find anything on her second date

Does anyone know if the author plans to make a free female character? or is it only the male.

could you please add in more female characters I think Skye is the only one but I might also just be a idiot great game either way

hello linux user (not by choice) the game looks great on the pages but will not load for me I launch the game and it freezes on the first loading screen could you please look into this 

is there a way to up the breast size in the game like a surgery or something and also how can I make my hair grow out

not that I have seen but you can go into the gallery on chawe in the bottom right corner in a petruk sprit click that and accept his gift

this happened to me to just once in a privet room and once in my room I think the bug might be tied into repeating after big events

The fall of Don or the asking her about slavery I am playing on linux and it says the ask about being capture quest is not finished yet or does that mean I need to do something else first?

how do I trigger fawns leaving quest line and get cassie to the milk farm

okay so the bitch part of it is to escape the base then go to the new ark labs you will need to talk with a scientist ( think her name is molly but nor sure) to have then removed but like I said it is kinda a pain if you have low nimble it is best to run from fights if you can otherwise you will have to start over

first build the dungon then hunt for a female bandit in the abandoned town defeat her and capture

hello first off want to say I am enjoying the game a lot but if I could give a few suggestions to make it a little more intersting like putting in a theft mode to make money verses working or maybe some way to move faster through the city like buses or taxis and I can not work so not sure if this is already in the game but promotions in work if you attend without being late or do your job for a period of time just some spit ball ideas off the top of my head also can we please get a ETA on the next update launch date thanks for the game keep on rockin

I think it is just uploading pictures and videos

Same problem and I am on chromebook I just press ignore and keep playing

Okay so at risk of feeling like a noob can someone please help me I dont know how to cast spells on NPCs outside of battle I am trying to work on bell

so been playing for a while but on the path to grow bells boobs I ran into this error code for the I have reloaded the game reconnected to internet and it will not leave not sure if this is a bug but might be something to look into because it is a dead end this is also a warning to others that try and go down this path if it is a bug

amazing game I downloaded the game looking to see what it had to offer and I am glad I did the characters are funny and lovable at first they seemed fun took me a bit to figure out they are speaking in british but so far only complaint is it's not that long but by what I am guessing only two people are working on it but 10 outta 10

can someone please tell me how to switch it from Spanish to English 

I am having the same problem but with linux rather than widows can someone please help me on on Facebook
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