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Oliver Loescher

A member registered Jul 24, 2019 ·View creator page →

Creator of

Global Game Jam 2023 Entry
My Global Game Jam 2022 Entry
You are bird and so is everyone else. Now online!!!
You have the power of destruction magic and that pesky victory flag is running away.
A young mole descends into the earth!
OSU combined with an Arcade Rail Shooter!
Top Down zombie shooter. Collect 9 notes and escape the island on your boat
I made airplane physics, AI that flies around, and a world for you to explore!
Animals killed your best friend farmer jimmy joe, now time to get revenge

Recent community posts

I played again once I found I could by mining upgrades. I reached the bottom but then I upgraded one of my towers so big it disappeared and I lost :{

If you have a moment I'd also really appreciate it if you'd give my team's game a try!

I took my one guy to the end final circle and then gameDeveloper40 came in a one shot him. Seems rigged

I genuinely really enjoyed this. Played it twice and won the second time with a big shoe... at least I think I won....

Pretty sure my game broke and I got infinite green slime cards with not way to try the other cards which was sad.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I clicked past the end screen so I don't know how well I did but I can say for sure I am really good at your game! I will there was some way of knowing how they were taking damage and having a more active something damaging them. That way I wouldn't just be running in circles. Also, I liked how when I stood in the corner with a ton of them the audio stacked and blasted my ears every time!

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

Interesting concept! It was like I was fighting myself. Trying not to set myself up for success. More levels would have been nice! Also I skipped the tutorial so it took me while to realized I wasn't playing haha

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I couldn't do it. That first ramp I tried to hit that for like 20 minutes, not chance. The other levels made me think I was missing controls. A cool idea, might be a bit too difficult. Would have been neat if I could have controlled it by dragging my mouse.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

The art was cool but you didn't let me jump on the turtle. Also, the sounds were horrifying but then I found the volume sliders!

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

The sounds!!! I think you broke my headphones. I got excited when I got the sword but then I lost it immediately :(

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I thought it was cool. Slow but cool. Art is 5/5! I wish there was just a bit more happening and less downtime. I was waiting for the hands to drop down from the top and get me.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

Not gonna lie, we made very similar games! My team's game had a dog but otherwise, it's the same!!

Also if you ramped up the difficulty faster I think it would have done a lot for the fun factor!

I didn't get a raise :(

I would have really liked some challenge other than a timer. If the enemies that spawned started chasing the player it could have made it a bit more interesting.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I spent half a million, turn out it's hard to spend money :(

Also If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I liked the character art, my guy looks super sketch. Also I satisfied him!

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

The controls are wack! The concept is very cool, I'd love to have seen a dragon!

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I couldn't get a basket and my strat of hiding all of the animals in the corner backfired. Love the art!

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I thought it was neat. The art was simple but clean and cohesive. The sound was amazing but you used preexisting :(. Just wish it was longer, I wish there were more levels to explore the neat mechanics.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

I had a lot of fun with this. I felt the bouncing was a bit unpredictable at times and it was brutal when I hit a bunch of explosives haha. A slow-down ability might have been neat between shots to make it more predictable. Also maybe if I lose all my momentum could have been the fail state instead of a timer. Overall I thought it was fun.

If you have a moment I'd appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game

My team was considering doing the same idea haha. Also the sound was terrifying!

If you have a moment I'd really appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game

Sorry man, I couldn't figure out how to play your game :/

Though if you have a moment I'd really appreciate it if you'd check out my team's game!

Challenging game (The carrot shooting at me was startling and rough), but visually looks good, a bit of music would have gone a long way!

If you have a moment I'd really appreciate it if you'd also check out my team's game!

The control for the game can be found on the itch page. Sadly we didn't have time to add a short tutorial.

The core problem I see with this game is there isn't an opportunity to be better than the other player, the optimal way to play is to just hold in the direction of the opponent. If there was so way to out the other play such as a dodge or just some additional mechanic, it would have added a lot.

I just wish I could play more, but there are only three levels D:

Hello, so I think this could be a really fun game with just a few tweeks. Enemies are bullet sponges and I am just sitting there mashing the button which would be alot for fun if you increased the number of enemies and made them take a tenth the hits to kill. Also it would have been nice to the have the option to hold the left mouse button to repeatedly swing as I don't believe clicking as fast as possible is what makes your game fun. The gimmick of your game is the random spells, so why do you make it where it feels like I can never use them? Allowing the player to use the spell at a larger rate would allow for more bombastic fight and exciting fights then my just kiting enemies and mashing left mouse. Right now I never make the decision to whether to use a spell or not I am just waiting for it to basically come off cooldown. You don't want the player to only be using spells but instead have the option to choose weather to use melee or the spell compared to how I felt the game is now which for me was just waiting 30 seconds and then use it then waiting again. You have a lot of awesome game feel and particles in the game but the balance is off. I highly recommend if you can get a couple of your friends to play the game and give feedback before your final submission. It could help a lot to add that into your timing for your next jam. Non the less I enjoyed it and sorry if I sound like I didn't!

The game looks pretty cool.  All the stuff going on in the background really makes it feel chaotic and alive and the alien is absurd and amazing! The sad thing is I couldn't get past the ladder bit.

Not much to the gameplay, yet still fun because of the fun music and art!

"I won and the game broke. The boss sometimes can infinitely shoot without giving a chance for the player to move around. Balancing is required. Also the boss ends up just idling when his health is below 10%

The movement feels spot on, no delays there, and the overall idea for the game along with the boss design is great. " - Rubhen Term 4 on on Facebook
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