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A member registered Aug 08, 2021 ·View creator page →

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Your life long obsession of tracking down the beast is coming to a head
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Thanks for playing! Yeah I think the consensus is that the dialogue has to be skippable haha. I'll definitely remember that in the future for better accessibility.

Thanks again :)

Holy crap! I actually spent almost a full hour on this. The gameplay loop is a really interesting idea, and the mechanics were SO punishing. I finally completed it though haha. I liked that the fishing spots weren't randomised - I think that would've been one step too hard.

Great game!

This was great fun! I liked how it was split into two separate games. The Quetzalcoatl fight was actually really challenging. I'd like to have seen maybe a "special" attack from bigfoot - maybe he charges to mix it up a bit?

Also, BEST accessibility controls I've seen so far!! Great job on that. And great job on the game overall!

Thanks for the feedback and kind words! I'm really glad you enjoyed :)

Thanks so much for the feedback! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. And yes haha I think you found the last "ending" 😄 might have to walk quite a while though!

I can see something in the bathtub through the bathroom mirror, but that's about it! I tried to find a secret crouch button or something to see if I could get into the mirror but I don't think there is one. I'll have another look around tomorrow :)

Oh this is awesome, thank you! Definitely a tool to use in the future for sure.

Thanks for your feedback! Initially with the cactus I had tried to do a randomly generated set of plants/things around, but then ended up spending way too long on a system that prevented them spawning on roads and in important parts. I almost got there but was taking too much time so the cacti are 1,000 manually placed nodes 😅

Thanks again for playing!

Any cryptic hints for us to find them? :)

Ahhh noo!! Dang it now I have to go back and find them :) :) 

Yeah I appreciate the feedback on this one for sure. On initial playthrough, the goal was definitely to build atmosphere with the lengthy walk - I think it turned out slightly too long for my and most people's taste. On performing any ending it should have definitely spawned at a checkpoint of some sort! 

Ahh that makes sense now! Thanks for checking out my game too :) 

Cool game! The mechanics are super smooth and visual effects for the attacks are really fun. I couldn't quite figure out what the right-click magic did but maybe I didn't play long enough. Great job!

This game was so polished and super fun to play. Loved the "getaway" mechanic that had you positioning the mouse and spamming A and D. I think each time you escape you could make the positional mouse thing move faster and faster, and maybe require faster/longer spamming of A/D for a strong difficulty curve.

Overall, awesome graphics, audio and gameplay. Great job!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! I've had a few people say they found the secret ending first - it's a shame there was a bug that meant the label didn't appear (It was supposed to say "Lost in the desert" as it fades out). Definitely agree that the dialogue/walking needs some QoL like insta-skip and checkpoints.

Thanks again!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! I'm really happy the sliding stone detail didn't go unnoticed. It was partly inspired by "The Oldest View" by Kane Pixels on youtube (the "giant" that doesn't walk but rolls around). That mechanic is also an excuse for me not to animate/create actual walking haha.

Thanks so much for the feedback and kind words :) Glad you found the different endings! Yeah I think the walking/dialogue could definitely have some QoL features to make them less punishing - it was certainly punishing play-testing it multiple times haha.

Thanks again :)

Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah I think the consensus is that the walking/dialogue is a bit tedious. In the future I'd like to expand it with a checkpoint in the town and an insta-skip option for the dialogue.

Thanks for playing!

Great game! I really enjoyed the puzzle, especially the fact that you were given specific mechanics to use for it (i.e. placing and destroying logs to mark the path). Really unique idea.

Great job!

Great game! Felt really polished despite it being short. I got ending 2/3 :)

If I had to nit-pick I'd say put the checkpoint after the dialogue with the boat guy just to make it easier to explore what the other endings are.

Other than that, amazing work!

Thanks for checking the game out! Once you speak to the person in the trailer, you should find some footprints behind the trailer to work towards one of the two endings! :) 

Okay, WOW. This was awesome. I loved the fact that the "actions have consequences" tied in with the story - your embellishments to the tales make next year's journey more perilous. The statues give a great lore aspect too - I really felt the situation getting less innocent each playthrough.

I didn't quite make it to the spooky part that you mentioned. Unfortunately, once you lose mouse focus it won't focus again! Not sure if that's a bug on my machine or with the game itself, but it meant that I couldn't get the screen to re-grab the mouse so couldn't look around. I'll try and make it to year 3 next time!

Amazing concept and great work!!

Any chance of a bugfix before ratings close? The art style is awesome and I wanted to try it out!

Great aesthetic and graphics. The gameplay was really challenging (in a good way). Great work!

Side-note: It looks like your page here has been flagged for some reason so I had to go through an extra safety check before downloading. Not sure what was up with that, but my antivirus didn't complain lol.

Hey there! This game had such fun mechanics, great job for such a short timeframe and first game jam! The movement with the dashing felt really fluid and satisfying to use. I also really liked the 2D HUD in 3D world. Great work!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the start was a bit of an artificial lengthener for the game - the character could've been brought closer initially. Hopefully you found the town and one of the endings though!

Thanks for the feedback! Haha yeah the canvas I started with was enormous and ended up with just one central town. Hopefully you found the town and at least one of the endings though!

Great game with lots of polish for the time limit! I played through once and I wonder if not being naughty will trigger an alternative ending - but I'll try a bit later :) 

Great job!

Really loved this concept! The systems all felt really smooth and the detail of how you zoom into the cabin was a really nice way of doing the transition. This is one of those concepts that could be expanded so far with e.g. procedural generation of terrain and the wildlife, trying to find the rarest possible animals/entities. But this is really polished for the time period - well done!

Awesome narrative experience! A minor piece of feedback would be to make the voice a little louder and the background noise a bit quieter. But that's if I'm really nit-picking. The aesthetic and graphics were awesome.

Great art style - very cohesive and it knows exactly what it's trying to deliver. I like the "one small favour" approach to the story i.e. a chain of fetching things for people, and cool way of tying in the wildcard by playing as the dog!

If I had to nit-pick, I'd say maybe switch the background audio up a bit - it did start to get a bit repetitive. Also (as someone else pointed out) it would be cool if the map/trades were icons of their own on the UI.

Other than that, amazing job for the time limit!

Hi there! Thanks so much for the feedback!

I think you found ending number 3! There's a bug at the moment where it fades out and returns you to menu screen when you find the ending - but it should say the title of the ending with ending "3 of 3" (I won't say too much so people can still find it on their own).

Thanks again :) 

Amazing aesthetic and build-up. The ending got me good!

One minor control feedback (for the browser version, at least): Make it so that clicking the screen re-locks the mouse if it's unlocked. A few times I had to restart because I tabbed out and I couldn't play first person with unlocked mouse.

Loved this! Took me a good 20 minutes to find the true ending. Absolutely loved all the surreal characters and dialogues. The secret fridge room had me spam-clicking all over the other rooms to find more haha - didn't find any though!

Really love the concept. The hand drawn art style worked really well. Agree with the other comments - would love to see this taken further!

The random generation was great - I don't think I saw any duplicates adding 20+ to the round table.

Thank you so much for the feedback and kind words! :)

Love the graphics and the sound design! Do you have any hints on how to get up to the statue? I tried lining up the taller block and jumping like a stepping stone but I can't quite reach! Maybe I'm doing something wrong haha on on Facebook
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