So we play as a woman named Lucy I think and you're going with a few people to a place called Siren Town, go to a hotel, mermaid statues everywhere.
I died at the end, being crushed by a door and being turned into a sculpture.
Formatting confused me sometimes, small fixes needed here and there.
Overall I enjoyed this shorter story, and found my death rather interesting!
This was a very interesting and well written si-fi esq. story and I played as Fevaro, you followed him and Ravencaller and your goal (as Fevaro) is to get a certain artifact.
There was a riddle that I guessed right and for the ending I ended up killing Ravencaller and returning the artifact to my superiors.
I think once we learn more about the program you won't have to make the options "If you're playing _______" so I ain't gonna hold that on ya.
I liked the fighting and the story, felt bad about the end I got tho-
So basically we're suffering from artblock and think our roommates with their significant other because a lot of noise is coming from there room. Turns out your real roommate just got home and the fake one starts growing a long neck, evil af.
I died at the end cuz me and my two roommates rushed out the door at once and died.
The structure was a little confusing sometimes, but I love the abrupt shift of funny silly banter to "Oh shit its neck is growing D:"
So you play as a man named Lianas and you're going to this mango place that exists in dreams and reality where you meet a woman named Mango.
The ending I got was Mango taking me to this guy named Major and before bro can speak, the sound of a train coming along makes him comment on it. We're interested in checking it out and we're left with a cliffhanger ending!
There were some grammar errors that did bring me out a bit, but overall I was pretty interested!
I enjoyed the relationship between Shuteye and our MC, it was cute :3
Hey hey, sorry to bother, but I need a lil clarity on one thing!
For the Queer Games Bundle and this O2A2 VN Jam, can we submit the same game for both
Like when O2A2 opens up for submissions and the time allotted is used to make the game and is submitted for review, once you get the all clear can we then submit that same product to the Queer Games bundle? (If that makes sense )
Just wanted that lil conformation!