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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 ·View creator page →

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Play as a dog and herd your sheep friends to freedom
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Have you ever wondered where those potions you found in dungeons came from ? Gobby made them.
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Tilemancer dungeon is a minimalist dungeon crawler - card game where you create & explore your own dungeon
Card Game
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A frantic top down shooter, where you defend your garden from evil gnomes.
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Can you save a forest by cutting trees ?... Yes
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A minimalist fast-paced intersection management game.
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Fishes, diving & spearfishing sprites
Build your own dungeon as you explore it and fight the evil creatures that roam inside.
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A small and cute chicken farming game with a twist and a hint of overcooked
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Come & say no to work in this funny top-down "Shouter"
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The last remains of humanity flee through space chased by aliens
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Come shoot demons in this stupidly nervous platform shooter
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Come crush some dinosaurs back into the ground.
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Only the FireLord can end the eternal winter...
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The fate of the battle hang on a good roll of dice
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A short battle arena game with batteries & lightbulb
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A short & funny backward space shooter
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Keep old people alive as long as you can. But eventually... death comes for us all
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Fight your own imagination to save reality
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A short Break-Dance rhythm game that will make your head bob.
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A short mech vs kaiju fighting game
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At Souls .INC, your soul is our business ! Seize that chance of a lifetime ! Come work for us as a Soul Reaper !
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Use your damaged ship to kill as many enemies as you can.
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A bullet hell that plays like 2048
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A violently cute co-op game about catching butterfiles and bees.
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Recent community posts

Hey ! Congrats on your first game !
And thank you for sharing it here ! <3

Dude ! That's really cool ! Thank you for sharing it here !
Added to my wishlist <3<3<3

Very cute game !
Simple but well made & efficient :)

Very well done & fun !

The rotation with big objects was a bit hard to grasp but apart from that it's pretty straight forward fun in chaos.

Great job :)

Cool little game !
The gun recoil mechanic is always fun to implement an play :)

Little feedback :
The music is a bit loud , a good practice is to adjust your general volume by comparing it to another ouput (by playing music or a video for example) ^^

Good job ! (I found the easter egg ^^)

Nice entry !
A bit rought on the edges but the main gameplay is there and it works fine :)

Some feedbacks

The upgrade system was a bit confusing at first. wasn't sure if i was upgrading all at one or not and ended up clicking a bit everywhere bore realizing it was on price for all but only 1 upgrade.
Having to go back to the menu after each game then click on upgrade then play is a lot of step to replay. It would be more efficient to have the shop appear every time you die then have a replay/continue button to get right back into it.

All in all, it's a really decent entry. with some more polishing  & QOL adjustement it could get really fun :)

Very cool game !
loved the visuals. and the upgrade between races was definetly a good idea. It kept me going for a long while :)

Cool game !
The difficulty really picks up once you have multiple  dudes.
I found it a bit hard to predict where they would choose to go sometime and couldn't understand why they would sometime jump over spikes and sometimes just walk into them.

Overall pretty fun games ! good job :)

Thanks for the feedback :)
I wanted to avoid adding predator to the game to keep it wholesome & relaxing but weather like wind pushing sheeps in certain direction would be a cool idea.

Very short but very fun !
Loved the intro animation. Big kuddos on that !

Not sure which is cooler. The cool horse on the bike or the game itself.
Absolutly loved the vibe in this game. Great job !

Insanely good for a jam game !
Everything is on point ! Gameplay, visuals, juice, animations. 
Very fun & just the right amount of challenging.

Only little feedback I can give is the control scheme felt a bit odd at first And I felt like LMB to move and RMB to shoot would have felt more more intuitive.

But apart from that it's, pretty much a perfect jam game. 5 stars all around. Great job !
Hope you expand on it after the jam.

Cool & challenging game !
level 5 was a bit hard to figure out but overall pretty fun to play.

Good job :) 

That intro just looks incredible ! The whole visual design is great ! Great use of  your color palette. You can hardly notice that there's only 4 colors in there.

The gameplay get repetive very fast and could use some variety in the number of minigames if you're planning to expand it after the jam.

Apart from that, really solid entry. Great job !

Very cool game ! I liked the concept & the visuals.

Tiny feedbacks :
It would be a good thing to be able to access the next level without having to use the mouse to click the button, since the mouse is not used anywhere else in the game.

Dashing to press the buttons is a very good idea but a bit fidgety. Several time I ended up being to close to a button before dashing and then button didn't press. making it so you can dash on the button even if youre standing right next to it would probably feel less punitive.

Apart from that, It's a really good game. Great job :)

Really cool game !
The unlockable in the shop are really great adds in term of gameplay.

What a crazy good concept !!
Loved all of it ! The visual are super clean & the vegetable are adorable ^^
Managed to pay off my debt and even turn on a pretty good profit (Thanks to cozy the eggplant for winning 2 races in a row... absolute beast)

You guys did an amazing job there !

We had the same idea but a very different way to execute it !
I like you take on it. you sheeps could move a little faster to make it a bit more frantic.
But, apart from that,  it a pretty fun game. good job :)

Really cool & really challenging ! (maybe a little too challenging)

The controls take a little while to master but once you finally understand how fully to take advantage of the dash & walljumps it gets really satisfying to navigate.

The enemy felt a bit frustrating as they tend to really get in the way at the worst of time ^^' (but that might just be a skill issue on my part)

Overall a very cool game ! Great job :)

Cool entry but really hard.
Loved the visuals & how you managed to make the game very clear visually with only 4 colors !

Few feedbacks :

Got killed right away before I even had a chance to get a grasp on the controls ^^
Having a way easier first level with a slower turtle to allow players to get used to the controls would be  a good thing if you're planning to update after the jam.

Also Respawning on top of the enemy and dying right away kinda felt unfair & frustrating & made me feel like there was no room for mistakes. (maybe setting the enemy back a little bit when you respawn would help so you have time to react)

Having the platform being a bit slippery if you land to cloose to the edge also felt unfair as it make the player think that he made it, only to slide out of the leaf  & die ^^'

All in all the game is a bit frustrating but fun to play. & Great jobs on the visuals :)

Really cool entry ! Especially for a first jam !
Loved the sprites and the whole visuals of the game.

The controls were a bit surprising but super intuitive though not always coherent. In some levels the mouse would stop as soon as the cursor got out of the circle or would get stuck on a wall if not properly steered, and in other levels it would auto navigate perfectly to destination if  you just put your cursor on a cheese.

No bug to report apart for some small collision issues (which is perfectly normal & to be espected in a jam :) )

You guys did a great jobs. Congrats !

Thanks ! glad you like it :)
I'm not planning to update this asset pack for a while.
But I'll add Shrimp to my todo-list for when I get to it.

Love the aesthetic on this game ! And the crafting mechanism is both smart & intuitive.

Great job ! you got a real banger there ! on on Facebook
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