Hello TheCatLady!
Glad to hear you enjoyed Seers Isle. :)
Actually, chances are that Seers Isle OST is already available on the streaming platform of your choice. You can also buy a copy of the digital album from Bandcamp. Here's a handy link that will lead you to the album page on the most popular streaming services:
Hello Violette !
Thanks for your enthusiasm :)
We've been thinking about doing an artbook for a while, but it's a lot of work if you want to do it right. It's not in our list of priorities right now, but it's something we might consider doing at some point, in the future. Meanwhile, if you're interested in our work in its physical form, we have a couple of art prints available on Society 6 ;) :https://society6.com/novabox
Bonsoir Leanhl,
désolé pour le désagrément. Je viens de tester le .zip, tout semble pourtant fonctionner. J'ai réactivé le téléchargement Mac de la version précédente (la seule différence majeure est le support du chinois). Pouvez-vous tester cette version s'il-vous-plait? (fichier :Along the Edge Mac (v1.3.5 EN/FR)).
Si le problème persiste, pouvez-vous, s'il-vous-plait, nous envoyer un email à alongtheedge@nova-box.com, nous essayerons de résoudre ça avec vous.
Thank you for your concern (and glad you've enjoyed the game)!
We feel like we have to notify potential customers that this game is not really intended for a teenage audience, but maybe "adulte" doesn't translate well enough in English. What about "mature"? Does it carry the same "porn" undertones?
Thank you for your feedback!