Wow, seriously cool! Added just the right amount of control. Very polished.
Great use of the theme. Takes such a simple activity and gamifies it in a really creative way. Hell this would make a good tutorial for learning photography if you expanded it!
Looks amazing. I'm honestly baffled how you could get all of this done in 4 days. Great teamwork!
Fun ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Game feels good when you're rolling but the fail state is a buzzkill. Loses the anticipation factor of it the ball was big enough or not.
Theme ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Good use of the theme! I'm surprised there weren't more Katamari-esque entries into this jam.
Style ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Looks fine, and hitting stuff feels pretty cool. Think it could benefit from more polish though. Imagine if there were way more items (like a dense forest) to roll up! You could definitely go places with this.
Interesting, took me a second to figure out what was happening. I feel like I needed some more feedback around what my attacks were doing, as it seems like the small ship just didnt do anything but stun?
Worked in the theme pretty well. I'm inspired to make my own scale-based shooter! Definitely worth exploring the concept.
Good. Nothing too remarkable but it's clean.
Fun ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Really cool gameplay. Very intuitive, and exactly as long as it needed to be for a gamejam. Great job! The only feature you could have maybe added was a previous-run track or something to more easily know where you should place a block, but the difficulty is low enough it didn't matter much for this demo.
A lot of games chose the 'build to "scale" up' approach which I'm not a huge fan of, but this is one of the more interesting approaches.
Really excellent, polished art style, and cool theming.
Really clever, fun, and simple game. I think you could really push this into a fun score-attack type game with more time!
Good, original implementation of the theme. Love the idea of a snail made of measuring tape. Well done!
Nice and clean. The animation for smacking into the shapes is great and adds a lot. Wish there were some music, maybe a meatier sound affect for the hit.
I get the play on words, but I think the theme "Built to Scale" as he described it in the video, is about size. Anyway yours was the first game I reviewed this year so I was a little harsh in retrospect. I'll update my review since you took the time to reply. Your game is really good, I'd love to hear your thoughts on mine! 🐟
Neat concept but the execution feels a little clunky. Took me a while to figure out what I was trying to do. Has potential though!
Creativity ⭐⭐⭐
It's not the most creative interpretation of the them, but it is the core gameplay mechanic so points for that.
It's got very cool aesthetic. Definitely needs some music or something, but I dig the visuals.
There's definitely a fun game in here if you push the concept further, but right now its just kind of tedious. I wish there was an undo because I mis-clicked an item and had to start over several times. Also didnt realize I had to scroll to go to the next level?
Creativity ⭐⭐
I don't really see theme beyond how you transition from one level to the next.
Criticisms aside, this gamelooks gorgeous. Very aesthetically pleasing. Really just needs some sound effects for the item placement and it would be a work of art.
Keep toying with this! You've laid the groundwork for something really lovely.
It's a little bit just trial and error. I didn't feel like I was making very strategic choices. I do really like the detail of seeing your previous putt though. Works well.
Smart usage of the theme! Scaling is the core element, and its fun to scale all the different items.
I feel like a little visual polish would go far, but it is clean and simple.
Neat gameplay idea! Unfortunately a bit buggy and frustrating at the moment but could be a great idea to build out more.
I'm notreally seeing the theme here, sorry. You're building things sure, but scale doesn't really seem to be a factor.
Style ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Very clean and stylish presentation! The sound design is very pleasing; it's satisfying to make the cuts.
Super fun and well executed idea! The game feels great to play; showing the flight trajectory is really the most important element. Solutions to the puzzles required thought and planning.
Nailed the theme. Really creative interpretation and it's the core of the gameplay.
Looks great, sounds great. Cute art style.
The gameplay is eehhh, not the best part. The concept is cool but theres not enough feedback or challenge. I found that I survived by just running away every day.
Creativity ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Great concept though! Took theme a lot of people ran with (win by being bigger) and flipped it.
Style ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Username checks out! Really beautiful art, though it makes me wish there was just a bit more substance. Some more animations for the chickens perhaps.
Feels good! Pretty basic but satisfying loop. Hits feel meaty.
Theme is there but not super important to the actual gameplay. The only time its really relevant is when choosing whether to punch or kick an enemy.
Like the hand drawn graphics and the animations are nice!
The combat doesn't really feel great, and the minigames are really basic but A for effort in including multiple different challenges.
Theme is non-existent, sorry. Putting the word in the title doesn't count lol
Style ⭐⭐⭐
Appreciate that you did the visuals yourselves! Always more fun than an asset rip.
You had me at Talos Principle. Love a good puzzle game and this is a really cool concept done well. You should be proud! I'd play more of this.
Great implementation of the theme. It's not the most creative, but its core to the experience.
I can tell you spent a lot of time polishing this! Feels really good to drop pieces, especially the diagonal expansion ones. Looks and sounds great.
The shooting is really basic and the movement a little wonky, but killing the abstractions has a nice feel. Honestly though, the flying was the more fun element. Wish you would have just focused on that!
Theme is barely there; just transforming to something that happens to be small.
I like the art style and the music! Effects are put to good use.
Not much meat on the bones, but it was satisfying get a good score. Good for one playthrough.
Solid, though definitely obvious, interpretation of the theme.
I like that its got a consistent theme and an intro. At least for me, the menu music was playing over the game music which was annoying.
Enjoyment ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Solid gameplay. I liked the little guides that appeared, saved it from being too frustrating by giving you a clear goal.
Creativity ⭐⭐⭐
The theme interpretation is a bit more word-play than actual gameplay, and I'm biased against that I admit. Still, I appreciate that you took the word-play so far, and there is at least one size element!
Style ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Really good job! Satisfying sounds and animations; pleasant music; cute and funny visuals. Has a great vibe.
Cool concept, and nice attention to detail with the controls. I could definitely see this evolving into some more complex. I liked juggling the different heads, it had a frantic feel to it.
My only criticism was that the bars for the piles were a little hard to spot, and obviously it would have been nice if there were visuals for the children approaching.
Good work!
Thanks so much for writing out your thoughts! The cups are randomly colored yeah, I wanted to give it a sort of eclectic vibe but that's good feedback that you expected them to mean something. The color contrast thing is something I'll work on if I ever pick this up again, cause ya its not at all colorblind friendly lol