can i have a full guide about the dragon isles?
Ngl, this game is one of the better games i have played
ok then, i shall ask a simpler question than that. So i need a (1.)guide on the volcano and how to access it and also (2.)get a boat pass to get to the next island
can i have a full guide of the current version of the game? I'm always stuck and i don't bother to ask multiple questions.
Pls add some sort of feature to be invincible and etc. I want to get to the stuff😏
I know it's kinda late but i want to give you a BIG BIG thank you for this VERY HELPFUL suggestion
Will this game be aventualy on mobile?
Can this game be in mobile? No hard pushing what so ever
Yo will this be on mobile soon?
So, when will this game out on mobile?
But the receptionist said she ran away to the Upper NAC
Why can't I find fawn? I have entered the UNA and I have complete most of the "runaway master" quest line (also I have checked the cafeteria)
So basically I can't?
How do I become enter the residences building in UNA?
How do I refine the milk to become cheese?
How do I learn magic
Where does bell go? I can't find her
How to do the Linda's rescue quest?
How to open the graveyard in the Transylvania town? (Ps: I ask a lot)
I know I ask a lot but, how do I enter the upper new ark city?
How to aroused? I can't find it in YouTube
I request for a visible belly swollen when impregnated or over-cummed
Will there be any plan to bring it to mobile?
But how to play it
Please add to Android
Will it be on mobile?