I highly recommend you to finish Flynn's route before TJ's because it'll completely change your perception of Flynn's character . Anyways you can start with Carl because his route has it's own lore apart from the other routes. Jenna's,however, has the best ending possible out of all.
TJ indeed should be the last, but many ppl did him first, including myself.
Since you've already finished Leo's route, it's best to start with Carl, then Flynn, then TJ and then Jenna because you should leave the best ending for last.
Honestly, I think Kudzu deserves better than Chase. Hell no, I think even Leo deserves better than him. Throughout the routes my opinion about Chase got lower and lower especially during Flynn's route. I do understand that he was possesed most of the game but still It doesn't change the fact that I don't like him as a character. Kudzu best boi tho
I did TJ's and Jenna's route and currently doing Carl's route. Easy to say that some moments in Jenna's route almost made me shit my pants but thank god I got a good ending. I started with TJ first because I had no idea that this vn had a chronological order and it was pretty confusing at first. Hopefully it wont ruin the experience