I recently bought a copy of this on Drivethru (because sadly itch adds 21% VAT where I live, I usually go with itch as I think it takes less fees from the creator's pockets). Anyway, I'm really liking this hack :) The only thing I'm missing is a one page spread showcasing all the moves that you can give as a handout to the players.
I can't believe there are no comments here yet. This is a hidden gem. I've run dozens of Mausritter oneshots and this has been my favorite one. I've run it 5 times now for different groups, ranging from 3-5 players and from people new to RPGs altogether to Mausritter veterans. Everyone has loved it.
It has lots of different things to keep it interesting and allows for plenty of different approaches. The rooms are varied, making it a very fun adventure site to explore. It has multiple points of entry/exit and multiple different paths to take within. It features a larger puzzle that is very enjoyable, it's engaging but not too difficult. I've seen players solve it in different ways and I've seen a group take a different route and avoid it altogether. There are smaller puzzles and secrets to discover too, including various new spells. The NPCs fit the environment well. There is a "big bad" you could have a boss fight with, but it's not mandatory. Everything considered, this is a really good adventure that I strongly recommend to new players and veterans alike. If you're thinking about playing a Mausritter session, consider this adventure!
This is a lovely adventure! I enjoyed all the word puns and so did my players. I ran a mixed group of two seasoned vets who played plenty of Mausritter and two newbies who had never played any RPG and all four of them really liked the adventure. It has plenty of hooks and places to explore and it's likely your players won't visit all locations. Great way to show off the sandbox style campaign play Mausritter can offer in a single oneshot. I recommend this adventure! :)
I've now run this as a one-shot adventure for several different groups and it's one of my favorites to introduce Mausritter with. It has great visuals to help inspire roleplay and some fun things to discover. It offers different possible approaches and a good mixture of exploration, roleplay and possible combat. I highly recommend this.
I've really enjoyed this game! Any chance for people who own the Itchio version to get access to Steam as well? I try to have all my games on there to make it easier for my friends to discover great titles like this. I also can't seem to leave a review on there unless it's part of my library. Either way, great game! <3