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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 ·View creator page →

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I think a great feature would be to change the status names (instead of submitted, approved, etc). Is there any way of going about this as of right now?

looks fun! does this include the steam key?

I loved the concept! Very fun little game!

I just have one question. What are your quality settings? Whenever I build my game for WebGL, (with post processing) it turns out very blurry. Your game seems to be building fine.

Thank you! I'll be sure to put the controls in the beginning somewhere, and I will make the spikes stand out much more. Thank you so much for the feedback!

I loved the graphics of this game! Wonderful models and sounds to fit the panel! Some of the keys on the panel are a bit misleading, but I still loved the game. (I'm pretty sure that was the point.) What program did you use to make the models? Blender?

Do you think you can tell me which animations you felt are clunky? I will fix them soon!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Good luck with your submission!

Thank you so much for taking the time to give some feedback! I will try and fix any input related problems when I upload the post jam version. Do you think you could just explain a little more on what you mean the characters feels bad to move sometimes? Just an example maybe? Either way, thank you so much for giving me feedback. Good luck with your submission!

Thank you so much for the feedback! I was trying to improve on my art, so hearing that my art looks great is very inspiring to me. I will also look on your suggestion for music, as I have gotten that suggestion a few times now! I will also respond to the input, especially the jump! Thanks so much for the feedback! Good luck with your game!

Thank you so much for the feedback! I have seen your game for the community game jam, “A normal dungeon”. I took some inspiration from your art style for the player.  I will fix the animations, as I do agree that they were a bit clunky. Ty for the feedback and good luck! :)

Thanks for the nice comments and feedback! :) I was just wondering, could you explain what you mean by disorienting? I think you mean that when the player gets hit by the enemies, the movement is flipped. I totally understand if that’s disorienting. If that’s not the case, then please explain what you mean. Maybe a piece of text that says “Movement Flipped”?   Either way, I can’t thank you enough for the kind words and feedback! Good Luck with your entry! on on Facebook
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