is there a way to
A. turn off automatic signal processing?
B. Turn the radio's volume down?
C. import files(pictures, mp3s) while the game is running?
Or are these things impossible ATM?
Also, sorry most of the comments here are people too dense to do a quick google search, or to discover things on their own. Also, sorry for phrasing my feature request as an open ended question to sound less demanding.
wouldn't a better transparency solution involve just having the actual assets be transparent over the inbuilt windows "transparent" color; in order to avoid the transparency overlap currently present?
I did a poor job of explaining this so I'll leave an example.
Current system:
Each sprite utilizes the inbuilt windows transparency system. When an overlap occurs the faux transparent pixels overwrite opaque pixels.
Proposed system:
Each sprite is stored as a transparent PNG overlayed over a background of the faux transparency to produce a more accurate effect. Is the current windows transparency system too inefficient to achieve this without significant overhead?
Also do you have devlogs available? i would like to make my own desktop gadgets at some point.
Thank you, and please ignore my username.
Every time this game crosses my admittedly sporadic stream of consciousness I revisit this page, hoping for the text"Dec 14, 2020" to have changed. But alas, I always return disappointed. At least I'll always have my memories of exploring the ever changing halls of the infinite museum, to look back on fondly.
Oh one final thing if you don't like the air control thing maybe add a different way to conserve momentum other than the grapple gun (which again doesn't work in tight spaces.) here are some examples:
while crouch sliding you can use the A/D keys to lean and turn.
when landing while crouching the momentum is spun towards where the player is looking. ( does something similar to this)
you always have a mini grapple hook bound to mouse 2 that also works as the "pick up object" button when unarmed
oh yea and on a separate note sky 2 has a wall jump section in the beginning that you cant do without jumping on top of the wall . (maybe someone found a way?)
hello! I'm loving the game so far but i have a few issues
first off, it's kind of hard to know how fast you're going and the speed linesdefinitely don't help. it's not that i don't like them it's just they're very inconsistent. for instance if you run normally then there are no speed lines but if you crouch Slide going the same speed then they suddenly appear and it's the same for moving midair. I say you just have them appear at a certain speed rather than to make the game look more cinematic.
second, the amount of air control in my opinion is very... limited? I'm hesitant to type "none" because that would be a falsehood but it (again in my opinion) is especially useless when you've just grenade/shotgun jumped. But that's more of a pet peeve than an issue. I suggest doing something Source engine esque where you can sort of steer your momentum. I don't think I'm describing this very well so I'll link a wiki page on what I meanhere. (EDIT: be sure to look at the videos i'm not suggesting that you put in the exploit just the air control, the beginning of the portal 2 video is a good example)
Finally here are some minor but annoying issues. accidental wall slides happen all to frequently in tight spaces, and it even happens while crouched.holding down shift while moving forward prevents you from jumping ( never mind it was just my keyboard.) Sliding into enemies in tight spaces is unreliable and the grappling gun's string doesn't always connect to the surface that you're shooting at hovering a few feet off the wall (visual bug only)
Keep in mind this review ONLY contains issues, do not let this discourage you from playing this awesome game!