¡Hola, Phavrichulyz!
Para tener éxito en ciertas acciones, necesitas Dados de Hielo y en otros Dados de Fuego. "invertir" se refiere a cuantos dados del tipo requerido podés "gastar" / "consumir" / "usar" para la acción.
Si lográs "invertir" (o sea obtener y gastar) 3 Dados, vas a tener mejor resultado que obteniendo y gastando 1. Por ejemplo, en un asalto frente a frente en el clamor de la batalla, muy probablemente necesites Dados de Fuego. Si al tirar los dados obtenés 3 Dados de Fuego, lo lográs, pero si no obtenés ninguno en la tirada, fracasas.
Me alegra mucho que quieran hacer contenido inspirado en Imperio del Invierno Eterno. Tienen todo mi apoyo. Haganme saber cuando lo publiquen para promocionarlo.
Hi, I would like to help you out. If you could be more specific in your questions, it would be easier for me to answer. I'll try to be abstract, if you are playing with a GM:
1. The GMs sets a scenenario as you would normally do on a standard TTRPG.
2. The players act bases on circunstances, aiming to fulfill their character's drive, which not necesarily go hand in hand with the mission.
3. The mission is not over until the Pressure is depleted. Pressure is reduced by one by adding a new conflict.
4. After the mission, you may have as many downtime as the context allows it until the next mission.
During the mission (or anytime), the game rewards you by completing certain character development actions which include deepening your relationships with other characters or showing more complexities about your background. War drama is prioritized over other aspects of the experience.
Hola, Mors. En efecto, el "daño" es "narrativo", pero en general la idea es concentrarse en concecuencias sobre la misión en sí como rehenes ejecutados, recursos perdidos, territorios tomados, escapes de objetivos, etc. Solamente seguí el flujo de la historia, algunas misiones van a ser breves y otras largas, pero siempre va a pasar algo después.
Hola, compañero. El texto dice:
"¿Cuál era su Ocupación antes de esto? (anticuario, escritor, clérigo anglicano, oveja negra de la aristocracia, psiquiatra, profesor de literatura, artista, ladrón, vagabundo, policía, abogado, etc.)"
Es una forma de hablar de tu trasfondo y justificar el "rol" que ocupas entre los "Sabuesos".
Hi! This is the page for Home of Evil, but I'll have your points for an update of Dwarven IronFishers from Svarima. In the meantime I'll clarify through here:
· An Ironfisher has no hit points, as all hit are counted like narrative injuries. Also, because most of the damage one can take is certain death.
· The long list of options in the Explorations, are just if the person wants to define it randomly or wants to choose something on the lines of the appropiate for the setting. For example, if you are the GM and you want to put a threat at random. Most of the time, you will use the "Fortune" skill that let's you choose which characters, locations and threats you encounter.
Thank you for taking the time of playing this game, and I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Let me know if you need anything else.