Reaally cool! I did spect this to be a nice game, but is actually really awesome, and has everything a reboot should have, I love the environment, the background pixel-art is gorgeus.
About gameplay, I do think that's improvable, maybe adding a procedurally generated world with endless enemies would make it longer and funnier.
Great game, specially in terms of art!
Milestone 3 plus one of the bonus goals (Modelling the house) completed!
It has been a busy week with lots of different stuff changing in the game, although most of them are unnoticeable, for example, the work system I thought was solid, well…. it was not. I had to change everything adding a action queue system that handles everything for each unit. For example, now when you tell a unit to collect resources:
The other main goal accomplished is the building system, which has been fairly easy to make once the work system was ready, and it works quite good even if it needs some tweaks.
The buildings take a fixed amount of turns to be built (which will probably be changed at some point) and they hold three different models for the building process (foundations, work in progress and finished). Currently the transitions between states is not very polished, but in terms of functionality everything works great.
The last work added is the building repair. It works both for damaged buildings and unfinished ones, but is currently in development and has some bugs, at the end of the video you can see how repairing an already finished building, changes it’s visuals to the work in progress version.
For the visuals, I changed the minerals’ looks, although I am still not happy with them, so they are probably changing again in near future, I also added some animations both to minerals and trees that trigger when the resources are over. A building animations has been added as well, which, to be honest, does not look great, but it will stay there for the moment.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice weekend
Thanks to all who tried the game and left a comment. Sorry for not replying to everyone but I've been busy this days. As I said it's the first time developing in godot but I have some experience in Unity. I joined the jam really late so I didn't have time to learn+develop something really cool.
To be honest, I wasn't going to even upload the game because I thought it wasn't worth of it, but I'm glad I did and some of you actually enjoyed it.
Thanks again, and I'll see you in the next Godot Wild Jam with a better game!
Thanks for playing! I agree with you, I should have spent some time balancing the game, but I downloaded Godot on friday for the first time, so thats everything I had time for.
As you mention, the collision shape of both player and asteroids is too big, and I also noticed that the asteroids should be smaller in general. I should've added the possibility of moving backwards as well, or make the 'gravity' bigger.
The reason why you can get trapped is because difficulty increases every two seconds, adding some asteroids to the spawn loop. As I couldn't spend time in balancing the game, I think this might be a game-breaking feature
Thank you very much!! you are right, the ship orbits around the black hole, but I made the camera a child of the ship visuals, so that they rotate together (you can download the project if you want although is pretty simple). Thanks for playing, I'll be playing all your games tonight.
I agree with the randomness of the game, thats something I have to improve for my next projects
Really funny game mate, I understand that is impossible to make more than one level, so I think you did the right choice making the physics look nice. I didn't enjoy the music so much, I think is a little bit too repetitive. But overall, I enjoyed and I think is a pretty good game for a jam. Good job!
7/10 for me
Board Wars is a game about ancient board games, in which the player will learn about different cultures while playing their best board games. As every other board game, Board Wars will have a multiplayer matchmaking option, and also an Arcade mode with random games and ascending difficulty, everything made with a careful visuals.
Current Features:
-The Royal Game of Ur: Ancient board game from Sumer. Currently only playable against AI
Currently the game development is cancelled due to lack of time, I'll most likely continue the development at some point but I can't say when. Even so, the game is playable and you'll be able to try a game that you probably never heard about.
You can check my future projects here:
Amazing job Delthor! I like the art and the game is really funny, keep developing!
If you don't mind I found a few bugs that should be easy to fix:
-Sometimes when you pick a new weapon you end up having 2 weapon equiped.
-Other times the pickup starts shooting when you shoot your weapon.
-The screen size is too big for browser, try with 1080x720, because as it is now you can't see your current health.
Hi guys, I hope you all enjoyed the jam as much as I did, I just uploaded a browser version so everyone can easyly try the game. It doesn't look as nice as the pc version but is still playable. Just make sure you play it on fullscreen and have some fun!!
By the way, my highscore is1487, TRY TO BEAT THAT! (It shoudn't be difficult :))) If you play the game I would love if you leave a comment with your score.
Thank you so much!! Enjoy!