seriously? another game about fucking every girl you meet? Player should have more control about what main character does.
Having sex, relationship, friendship with any of the girl should be avoidable. This way the player would have absolute control of main characters choices.
Would it be to much to add option to reject girl's offer? Or to let main character fail on purpose on winning girl's heart? Player doesn't have to be interested in romancing/fucking every young woman in game.
I just finshed it with best ending.
Post-Apo is always cool. As well as the stories with sexy girls. Even if they are a bit of skinny due to lack of food in destoyed world.
Plot is good and contains character development and relationship building.
All the characters are interesting. It's great that so different traits can work well very together, especially in right combinations.
I hope you will make next part someday
I just finished both routes and I really enjoyed this game.
I was expecting some kind of horror story with vamps as the anthagonist to eventually fall in love with, but it's much much better this way.
The game is a bit short. The endings are pretty good as well as artstyle (especially the sprites). well done voice acting.
I like the both girls but I think Carmilla's route is better. Not only because she's more my type but also it's a bit longer and more eventful than Elizabeth's.
warning: spoilers (?)
So... I finished the game again... This time focusing the newest routes.
Xanthe's route was different from what I expecting... in my vision she was vamp seducer fighting her urge to drink Jay's blood,in yours she had problems with some kind of "demons" the past but you also made a lot of place for romantic stuff
Lien route is much crazier than I'd ever imagine... Fighthing with inner beast, unpleasant past and "science". And asshole behavior adds her a lot of charm.
Super-secret route was great... I'd expect Tailor or Sherrif or someone completely new, thinking that Blake would be too obvious choice. Well, she's normal, boring human... I was sure it gonna end right after making-out scene... but... everyone must have their own villain to fight.
Also Jayline got some more character development with each route. Finishing them all is key to complete understanding of her.
I just finished it and I loved it! All the girls are amazing and very interesting.
It's hard to tell which of them i like the most. But definitely... Exit is the cutest, most straightforward and laid back. Robyn is a bit shy, a bit clumsy and the most natural. Channety is the most well endowed, pink and has this "robitic" vibe. Maya is the most professional, serious and i like her mad-scientist style.
Not gonna lie, I was expecting something short, cute, simple & shallow. And I got suprised, when I discovered what this game has to offer. And it was a good suprise.
The story is great, deep and touches a serious topics. I really enjoyed reading through scenes and I was curious, what happens next.
Good job!
I love the story but getting any good ending is hard. Sometimes it may be hard to tell if the choice is meaningful or not. And some answers sound a bit similar. Could you write some kind of ending guide?
Edit: After few more tries and rethinking my choices I was able to get Good Ending :D no more need of guide... at least for me ...
It's very original idea for visual novel game. The story was very good. With few unexpected plot-twist and a lot of branches of offer.
Intead of hunting for every existing ending, i chose to get Leandra as spouse and to solve the mystery of Vitaly's death. I menaged to get 1st ending and I was very happy with how it turned :D
Cool game with a bit dark atmosphere. I really liked it.