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A member registered Mar 02, 2017

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really want to play this game but I'm having some trouble running it on linux. when I try to run it in the terminal I get an error message that it can't find i tried to troubleshoot this for a while but i gotta give up -  the file it needs appears to be a very deprecated file that doesn't seem to be readily available anywhere anymore. might give the windows version a shot via wine though.

edit: got it working through wine. loved it!

Just played it in one sitting! Vore is not my kink but I don't mind it, but the seed mechanics tap into something in me for sure. As a platformer it feels a little unpolished but the unique mechanics more than make up for it. Also, the linux version works great on my computer (mint).

i'm aro and the trust route is so good, i think it might have given me a new way to describe my experience

More detailed notes down below the cut (but spoilery), but long story short, despite having a linux version it didn't run on linux very well, and the main ctf gameplay got too repetitive too fast, but if you are going to play it on windows and you like ARG type puzzles I definitely would recommend it. 









This game is neat but it drove me nuts. I thought since there's a linux build it would work ok on my computer - it did not. I ended up going back to playthroughs on youtube to figure out if something wasn't running right or if I was doing something wrong. By the way, in case anyone else here is looking for help, a ton of the ones that say in the title they found all the secrets or endings or whatever are wrong, most of them missed a bunch of the content. Anyways, while running the linux version, it didn't show the arrows video or copy the file to the desktop - although the windows version running through wine did? The secret second game worked up until the video sequence, where it just got stuck on a white screen with vhs effects. I gave up without trying to play through the true ending back in the main game file, and just watched a video of someone else doing it. 

I wouldn't have minded the troubleshooting as much if the ctf portion wasn't so repetitive. Trying to go back and play through it with both linux and windows versions of the game, and just playing again to see if I missed anything or if there was anything I could input in the kicked screen, drove me nuts. Considering each time you have to get through the ctf twice to make sure you see all the content, I probably ended up doing it around 10 times, and by the end, I was just looking for any little detail to keep me going. Did you know the columns near the ramps disappear for a while and then come back once you have the 3rd flag? Because I'm probably the only person who ever noticed that, lmao. If the jumpscares were a bit different when you play through it again it would be a huge improvement.

I really wanted to love this game, and there were a lot of things I did love about it. I know it's a student game and a game jam game and I'm not expecting a 100% polished experience and I swear I'm not trying to trash it, but I thought other linux users having a tough time might find it helpful to read my experience if they want to try to make it work on their computers and do their own troubleshooting. But to balance out the negativity, here's the things I actually really loved about the game: It's really atmospheric, and I'm fascinated by this world in which vhs tapes are somehow a type of game cartridge? And can somehow connect to the internet? I love that. The ARG puzzles were fun, and unlike most, actually had everything you need to solve them still available several years later, which I have to give the devs huge props for. Also, the first time around the jumpscares were perfect, I was so creeped out but not scared enough to stop playing. And the secret hidden game, just the whole concept of walking the dog you never see, is fascinating. I play a lot of random game jam games and this one is really unique and interesting especially once you get into the hidden content.

I used to play this all the time on windows a couple years ago. Revisited it recently and the linux version doesn't seem to work correctly but it does run well through wine.

Unrelated to that, anyone know how to win the tickle game? It's the only one I never figured out, and I can never get past 40-50 points because I almost always lose that one.

i know this is a really late reply, but i just downloaded the game the other day and got the same error. i was able to run the game through easyrpg player successfully though.

haven't tried on mobile, but i suspect it would probably run through easyrpg player. i've been using the linux version of easyrpg player to play it and it works fine on my computer.

I was trying to figure that out too. It looks like whipped cream nitrous oxide canisters, but I kind of doubt that's what was intended? Since I've never heard of restaurants selling those to people lmao

I enjoyed it, but I have some feedback. 

The first time I played it I got a bug where it skipped the induction, so I played an entire game of tetris assuming the induction would start sometime during the game. I read the comments and realized something went wrong, refreshed the page, and it worked properly the second time.

I found the particular set of triggers kind of...boring? Maybe it's a personal thing but pleasure triggers don't work well on me. Like it would be more effective if one was for pleasure and one was for going blank and another was for falling deeper or something along those lines. 

I hope this doesn't sound too harsh, I really did enjoy it. I hope you update it or make more games in the future!

I keep coming back to this one. I first played it at least a year ago, but it's really good and every now and then I come back to play it again. I really love this one, it's one of my favorite games I've found on I've spent a lot of time playing it and I have found only two, pretty minor, issues:

1. There doesn't seem to be a way to mute the audio from within the game.

2. It's possible to get stuck if you pick a card like scry where you draw cards and must play one, but you can't play one.

This was fun! It's translated to a somewhat different system in a really interesting way, but it works really well. I especially love the music! Only complaint is that I wish it was longer lol, but I know it's a lot of work.

I love it and I love the concept, and I would love to see a future update where it gets fleshed out more. I especially loved the hallway paintings, although because of the lore I was hoping they would change. 

I do have a complaint though. Idk if it's an issue on my end or not, but the controls are not smooth at all and it's really nauseating. The camera jumps around way too much for the amount I move the mouse - I had to turn the mouse sensitivity on my computer all the way down to be able to play at all, and I still had to quit after half an hour and take nausea meds. I'm definitely more prone to gaming motion sickness than most people, but this is definitely the worst game I've ever played for my motion sickness. I really would have liked to play longer. 

Every time I click to go into the tutorial at the beginning the screen goes black and nothing happens. If I skip the tutorial the same thing happens right after talking to the first client. I'd love to play the game but it's just not working on my computer :(

This is so hot! It was an instant favorite. I only wish there were more varied animations to keep things interesting.

I love this so much, I keep coming back to it. I almost wish it was a physical card game.

Might have found a minor bug though - when you choose scry and can't do any of the options, you get stuck and have to close out of the game completely.

This is really fun, and it's a neat concept! However, it has a couple minor issues. I know they probably won't get fixed at this point, and that's fine. The issues are the unnecessary exit game button that's easy to accidentally press, and that there isn't an easy way to tell if a person has already been paired up (their name could have been greyed out, for instance), but clicking on them unpairs them, so it's easy to screw up what you were working on. Anyway, I've been playing my way through everything Team Infernus has made and I'm becoming a big fan.

I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to play each microgame, and I've been able to figure out all of them except for Tickle. It's just really colorful and cheerful, and the diversity makes me happy. on on Facebook
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