I just copied the saves . If I unlock all the memories at the info/help section(since all the old ones I unlocked weren't there anymore) I see there are new ones for Gloria, Mavis Faelies and Laecia. Those events doesn't show up in the lust events tab even though I have the correct amount of Lust status and if I click on them in memories they just make the normal click sound the game has. All the old memories from the previous builds still work I can replay them as well as the ones for the new characters
First time copying my save from an older version of the game to a new one. The new scenes for character we already had(Laecia,Gloria) doesn't want to show up in the Lust event(60 Lust Status)
If use Memories switch to re-unlock the old events, the new event's for old characters show up but I can't ply them