Fun games!!! Great value!!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 10/10, would recommend
If anyone has any hints for how to doFold Fork Solitaire, I'm all ears 🥺 It looks simple enough, and it's only rated two-stars for difficulty, but I can't seem to get anywhere past a dozen moves or so.
I've been getting a lot of milage out of Time Travel Solitaire. If I'm remembering correctly, it's the only gamemode besides Cheatdeck that reveals new cards. All the solitaires require sorting (which I adore), but TTS has that extra bit of luck, which makes it so sticky to me.
My other new full-version favorite is Pick-Up. Though the order/location of the cards is revealed at the beginning, I'm never going to remember all that, so it retains an element of surprise.
My favorites on the free version were Tap Solitaire and Megataire. Megataire is more tedious now that the extra slot has been removed, but I understand why that change was implemented.
1. The gameplay is fun and sticky! (pun intended)
2. I like that every level is available from the start! I tend to play games on mobile more often than not, and my phone does not save data from pico-8 games between sessions. It was a nice anti-frustration feature for me.
3. The credits song is so cute ;-;
yo, i go by miniwoolf. i was a member of the old bitsy discord, and i haven't released a game in over a year. until today, that is. i mostly like using bitsy as a visual medium for my poetry and prose. maybe soon i'll have the energy to hack the latest version of bitsy (they put music in it???), who knows! I'm glad this lil tool exists.