Hi Lide Master, thanks for the comment! Have you tried the “keyboard only” control scheme? You can access it through the customize controls menu from the title screen > new game/load game > options (or settings, I forget what it’s called exactly), or in game after completing the tutorial. Let me know if that helps!
This showed up as a related game to one I was looking at, intrigued by the style I tried it. I think there's a nice little game loop here! And I really like the style, feels like a fun lost artifact from an internet past. I see the project is marked as cancelled, but I hope you continue to make things in the future!
Hi Hue989,
The teaser is available for anyone who supports the Queer Games Bundle 2022, found here: https://itch.io/b/1404/queer-games-bundle-2022
Also available here as a pay-what-you-can version https://itch.io/b/1405/queer-games-bundle-2022-pay-what-you-can-edition.
Purchasing the bundle also ensures you have access to the full game on release (date still TBD).
After the bundle period I plan to release the teaser as a standalone free demo shortly thereafter.
Hi E D O X E R, I'm sorry for the issue! I'm having trouble getting it to run on my PC myself; this is a pretty old game so there might be some compatibility issues with the version of Renpy it was made in. I'll try looking into it further, though the original source code is lost so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do. Still, thanks for trying to play!
I'm enjoying the game a lot so far! I've hit a bit of a blocker that I'm not sure how to get around, if I could have a hint that'd be really appreciated!
(question contains spoilers)
I'm in the second tower, and I accidentally missed the item all the way in the top right hand corner of the map (not sure what it is). It's the only item left that's above the torn portion of the map, but whenever I go into the torn portion I don't think I have enough health to survive. I'm currently trying to get to the top of the tower by going through the path of the Keeper boss, but that's also a section that I think I can't get through anymore because of not enough health to get through the acid. Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks again!
Hi Huitzilopochtli!
Thank you for your very in-depth and insightful comments! I always appreciate when someone takes the time to share their experience and thoughts on the game.
While I don’t want to say too much (because I don’t want to dilute your thoughts!), I’ll just clarify Challenge mode unlocks when you complete new game +, not new game. I hope you get a chance to experience all of new game +!
I’m very impressed you attempted the descent on new game, it’s definitely designed to be attempted after the player finishes the new game + story, though we decided to let new game players attempt it as well because we knew not everyone had completed new game + by the time we released the expansion. In hindsight maybe I would have locked it away until then, but either way I hope you ultimately enjoy your experience.
Slimes is a striking, intense, and deliciously-balanced turn-based RPG with a thrilling and immediately-relevant story. It feels like how I imagine a good, minimalist Shin Megami Tensei game would feel, or a Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter riff that goes even harder on the survival horror influence (this is very high praise coming from me). A scathing psychodrama through and through.
For now, my GOTY 2020 (remind me to check back on this).
Play it and remember that, sometimes, murder is okay. Read every note and defeat every enemy, if that's how you feel.