the game will generate a QR code, which can be scanned and submitted to an online leaderboard at
hi, there are a few differences:
thank you for making this cute experience.
i really love the art. the music is charming and effective. the little bad guys are super fun to dispatch. i loved using both power-ups.
unfortunately, the experience was marred with a lot of tiny frustrations. they were frustrating because i really wanted to enjoy this experience. below is my long list of feedback. i hope you revisit this project with an update, because i think this game is very close to being special.
- the background was a little too busy. i didn't have any difficulty identifying threats and items, but a less busy, black background might really soothe my eyeballs.
- a tutorial teaching the player how to run would be very nice. (instructions on the itch page don't count!) i spent the first 10 minutes thinking there were spike pits that i could not jump across in level 1.
- speaking of spike pits, putting spikes directly below a fall that the player can not see is really mean. :'( i would advise removing these.
- dropped inputs. i will hear the jump sound but my girl won't jump! i couldn't reliably reproduce it, but it seems to happen when i change movement directions and jump on the same frame?
- on 2 instances i got hit and got teleported back to the beginning of the level, but i still had health left. very strange bug.
overall, i wasn't able to complete level 3 due to dropped inputs and the teleport bug. i REALLY appreciated the secret path in level 2, otherwise i'm not sure i would have made it to level 3.
i think the reason i appreciated the secret path was because i could quickly get back to where i lost a life. maybe a checkpoint system would be nice.
thank you for making this. my critique is long because i truly believe you can make this into a lovely little game with an update. i hope you keep at it.
a simultaneously beautiful and grotesque ouroboros. a cyclical rube goldberg of emotions with remarkably consistent logic. i cheered when objects and characters were set up and would later return. the ending would earn a standing ovation if this were played to a live audience.
is it a meaningless shitpost? a complicated allegory? who knows. all i know is Slot Waste should be in a museum, and rightfully deserves to be widely celebrated alongside the likes of tetris and dark souls 1.
love zapping bugs. extremely polished little arcade game. the bugs are so cute! 🥺
- when lots of bombs go off the "hit-pause" sometimes gets so extreme it starts to look like lag instead of "juicy game."
- when the game over screen popped up i instantly dismissed it because i was too busy spamming the shoot button near the end. some sort of "prevent button push buffer" would be nice so i can reflect on my performance.
lovely little game. i hope y'all continue to make things. there's a lot of talent here.
i love this idea, i love the art! muted colors, chunky pixels, adorable critters, interesting card effects. i love the wisp arrow. makes me feel like a cool mage sniper.
it was a little easy and short, so my gamer wants are simply more content and challenge, but i adored what i got to experience. :) thank you.
some things i would like:
- ability to pause, visit settings menu in-game.
- ability to use the keyboard for selecting loot and casting cards. number row maybe?
- it would be nice if i could press and hold movement keys to auto-walk in a direction. rapidly pushing buttons agitates my grandma wrists.
some issues i noticed:
- if you hover over your cards at the very bottom of the screen, it will rapidly flicker between 2 card hover animations.
- the mouse sensitivity is not resolution-agnostic, so fullscreen makes the mouse more sensitive.
- losing SP makes a hurt sound effect, this was alarming!
i love this single-screen puzzle platformer! even the timing-based skill levels were fun to conquer. the music was incredibly good. the different worlds were so compelling, too.
my only feedback is the spike hitbox in world 3 was a little unforgiving.
i'd like to see a sequel one day! i noticed that you inherit inertia when swapping to your totem, like in portal. this could make for some crazy puzzles! great work. :)
- beautiful art, i loved exploring this tiny pocket world.
- more cards would be really cool! i felt like fire was always the better choice over water?
- extremely bad framerate when dashing into the air. the game completely freezes for a few seconds.
- score pickups could have a bigger hitbox, they are a little difficult to collect.
- when rapidly switching between cards and holding down Mouse 1, i was able to sustain a completely broken firerate. this was fun, though. :)
i love the world and the art and the characters, but unfortunately i couldn't beat the second mushroom cave level. i tried for a long time but it felt too unfair. the bouncy mushroom and moving platforms felt too unpredictable.
things i liked!
- gorgeous art, i love the glowing mushies and mushroom friends. i will protect them with my life.
- very cute dialogue, i love the puns.
- the music was incredible!
some feedback:
- i noticed the pixel scaling was incorrect, which makes me sad in pixel art games. (some pixels are bigger than others.)
- instead of a capsule collider for player, i suggest a rectangle, this way you don't slide off of platforms. this felt bad. :(
i hope you keep working on this project! i want to see more, and maybe a more gradual difficulty curve so i can experience more of the story? :)
i got the comradery (polycule) ending! i adored the charming characters, and the writing cracked me up. :) i fed everything to the horse, including stolen bullets. good honse. it enjoyed fineighber.
some feedback:
- i'd really like to see how many endings i missed on the end screen! this will encourage multiple playthroughs.
- some additional art with the characters emoting would be really cute as well. :)
this was such a pleasant experience. thank you for making it. here is a list of praise and feedback:
SPOILERS: the ending dream environment was so peaceful, like a great weight had been lifted. i fell in love with the space cloak person. i hope to see them again soon.
i love all the little guys, my favorites are SOP sign and clock man. i like being the little yellow guy. the auto-aim is really nice to me. releasing fire to collect the rainbow gems gives everything a pleasant rhythm, like a heartbeat. :)
i think the hyper charge rate is fine, but i would like auto-suck or large suck as possible upgrades in the definitive version.