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The Foxy Otter

A member registered Jan 12, 2024 ·View creator page →

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In ExtraTerrestrial Takedown stealth is your main priority. Get the Alien boss and assassinate him before they find you.
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Game made for Pirate Software's Game Jam 14

Recent community posts

What a cool mechanic and tie into the theme! Nice touch with the added challenge of having to position characters to become platforms to reach the end of the level.

Really fun game! Love swapping between the different weapons. Got a score of 13k!

This game is super cool! I love the concept of it and I think it has amazing potential to expand upon. I ended up getting 2 of the beacons complete and blew myself up with mine several times haha.

Engineers in games are always my go-to class. Not having the strongest character in a way but being able to build strong constructs is always so fun to me. Loved seeing this as the theme of the game. I think it fits very well and it is an out-of-the-box idea that is unique to a lot of other entries. If you ever expand on this idea let me know! I would love to be the first to play!

Thanks for playing the game! Fixing the rope and giving players feedback on when they can climb the rope is at the top of my list.

Thanks for playing! Fixing the rope collision to be much more forgiving is at the top of my to-do list.

Such a fun game! Everything feels really polished. I like the power orb mechanic and how it adds to the difficulty by you not just having to jump around and time jumping to get a boosted jump. I fell on my head often times... 10/10

Love the feel of this game. The tilt when moving adds such a nice touch. It feels like I am a Stryder from Titanfall but with killer weapons. The variety of enemies is nice as well, rather than only having to deal with ranged enemies, the little guys rush you down as well. Nice job with the shaders!

Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate it. I wanted to add a sprint or run button but I was worried that would lead to players then running either straight to the boss or when detected, easily escape from the enemies. Something to test with for sure.

UX is a work in progress and I completely agree about an indicator giving players feedback on when they can climb or assassinate a target.  I had these things planned but unfortunately ran out of time. I did not think about making the area wider though, that would be a very smart decision. I often found myself trying to find the 'exact' spot the rope was so I could climb it. My wife's playtesting had the same result.

Level 4 was a tough decision choice. I wanted to try and make a level that was more immersive and somewhat reminiscent of a Splinter Cell game, climbing up a building with multiple floors. I agree with the gaps in the beams and I am already trying to find ways to identify where the gaps are. Especially the first gap you come across, that one seems very hard to spot.

Thanks again for your feedback and thoughts on the game!

Killer game! Wall running feels so good and the speed boost you get after jumping off a wall is a nice touch. So glad you added the punch, I ran out of fingers and had to punch through some boxes to find finger-ammo.

Really fun game. The sword can be hard to control at times trying to get the blade to hit the ground near where you are trying to jump to. Nice to see the squash change locations on each play-through. Managed to beat it on the third try.

Well I just had to go and beat it to make top 5 then! 

Awesome idea and way to think outside of the box for the jam theme! Reminds me a lot of the Iron Giant

What a cool game. The Gameplay loop is solid and the perks you get after completing a wave completely change the game. What a cool take on chess, well done!

I love this game! I got to the General M, General F boss fight and died. The fountain was such a cool take to swap out party members and equipment. Would love to see some room variations and maybe some option enemies in rooms that you can kill to gain more exp or even obtain weapon drops from them.

Everything about this game is awesome! Why did my buddy have to sacrifice himself to become my first weapon? Even worse when the sword broke! ;-;

What an incredible game! It delivers on all aspects The art and story is insane for this short of a time period!

This game is amazing! At first I had some trouble with it but once I figured it out, it's a blast!

I got it! I didn't realize you needed to click on the enemies name to assign the execute cube.

I really like the art style for this game. With some polish, this game would be awesome! I couldn't figure out what to do after Momo was killed, not sure if that is the end of where you guys managed to get to or not. Definitely need revenge for Momo!!

This is a great idea. I often times had to debate "Do I die and raise my death counter to get the guy who ran towards the entrance faster?" 10/10

Beautiful art style! Short game but I can see many replays.

Great game! The controls are very smooth

This game is really fun! Had me laughing a lot. The construction level is very hard

The combat was confusing at first, I couldn't figure out "picking up a weapon" until I realized the bodies around the arena were the weapons you were supposed to pick up. Flinging them around was hilarious! Got a score of 240.

Such a fun game! Definitely going to try to get a higher score when I get off work. Managed to reach 124m! Love the art

Never thought playing as a sword in a stone would be so much fun!

The animations for the player are incredible!

This art style is fantastic! I had a little trouble with the "execute" button not wanting to attack. Maybe I was doing something wrong though.

This game is very satisfying and there seems to be a ton of strategy involved. The game speed option is such a nice addition, especially when you have a ton of weapons!

...Please don't turn this into a mobile game, too addicting.

Super cute game! Had a lot of fun playing it. Love the effect when you are caught.

What a cool game. Whenever I see this art piece in a video online, it is always so mesmerizing to watch. Super satisfying to play. Love that the audience can throw objects into your oil!

Had a blast playing your game. Even on the easy difficulty, it is challenging at first. Inferno is just chaos in the best way possible!

Love the game, art style and music! Such a good vibe playing it! on on Facebook
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