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President of Space

A member registered Apr 16, 2018 ·View creator page →

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On the backlog of unfinished projects
Interactive Fiction
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Avoid crashing to get to a high level
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Stranded in space
Interactive Fiction
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Space archaeology, ancient aliens and unknown threats
Interactive Fiction
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A short, cringy vignette about human development cliches.
Interactive Fiction
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Interactive Fiction
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The crudiest bitsy game I've ever made
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A short reflection on the omnipresence of RPG mechanics
Interactive Fiction
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Interactive Fiction
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A short story about the mundanity of space travel
Interactive Fiction
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A short adventure game about where curiosity can lead us
Interactive Fiction
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A short weird sci-fi vignette game
Interactive Fiction
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A short sci-fi vignette about a doomed world
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Avoid running out of oxygen to escape the planet
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Just a train riding through countryside. Nothing else.
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A short story of existential horror
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A short narrative experience about the realities of parenting
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Avoid running out of moves to reach a high score
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Avoid locking yourself out in this tiny sokoban-like prototype
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Avoid large rocks to destroy them with lasers
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Avoid getting blasted in this space invaders clone made in three hours for the Trijam
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Avoid all kinds of things with just one button
Avoid dying to mend the magic mirror and defeat the mad sorcerer
Role Playing
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Avoid running out of time when the treasure is still buried
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Avoid using headphones to not get deaf
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Avoid hitting walls to collect coins
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Avoid missing bombs for a high score
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Avoid alien bullets to get to the next wave
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Avoid tearing your hair out for a few lousy points
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No fajnie, ładny layout, widzę tylko 3 problemy:

1. Pominąłeś listę imion, nie tylko bardzo przydatne narzędzie dla refa, ale też istotne dla implied settingu. Dzięki niej poznajemy nazwy krain, a same imiona mówią dużo na temat kultur, na których te krainy zostały oparte.

2. Tłumaczenie jest niestety strasznie słabe. "Decepcja"? Jest takie słowo w ogóle? Decipher jako "deszyfracja"? Serio?

3. Ktoś już to zrobił i to o wiele lepiej, więc nie do końca wiem po co całe przedsięwzięcie. Było w spotkaniach losowych nr 3 z 2015.

I love bitsy precisely because it enables the creation of things like this :D

This was great! I will definitely be playing again, just to experience all the variants and dialogue options.

This made so many forgotten synapses in my brain to fire at the same time... thank you! I also miss paper magazines as the primary source of game guides. That's probably why I bought the enormous hardcover Dark Souls strategy guide, even if you can find any number of people who show you how to 100% it on youtube.

Thank you! I treat bitsy games a bit as comics, either 3-4 panel strips or short books. It's definitely possible to fit a compelling story in this tiny format, that you can complete in one sitting. I mean, I'm just a low key scribbler, but people have been doing amazing things with this format!

Thanks! The ending is almost straight from "Pirx's Tale", although the issue there was an incompetent crew of drunks and misfits rather than faulty equipment. The idea of taking an ancient spaceship for its last voyage to the junkyard is from "Terminus", but that story is so much more. I highly recommend both, especially "Terminus" - that one is almost a horror, it's very chilling.

This is my first bitsy, and it gets pretty heavy and a little bleak, so just a little content warning if you are in a bad spot.

A walk through the river valley

Just a quick note: if anyone needs this sort of thing, I've made a thin electron wrapper around Bitsy so you can download and run it as a native desktop app. Currently I have Windows and Mac builds available, I'll do a Linux build when I install Linux on some sensible machine. 

Anyway, here it is:

You can download builds for different platforms under "releases".

It's MIT licensed, like bitsy, so hack away to your heart's content.

And also - I would appreciate if someone told me if I'm wasting my time and nobody would actually use it :D (well, I'd use it, so I guess it's not a total waste).

Hi! I'm Maciek. For the longest time I've dismissed Bitsy as a weird curiosity, until I tried it myself. I immediately fell in love. In hindsight, I should've known better, as it's been the same way with me and Pico-8. Anyway, I've made a few bitsy things, and currently I'm making a game each week with themes inspired by subsequent letters of the alphabet. Bitsy seems perfect for that!

Thank you! I'll be making separate tiny games each week. Bitsy is perfect for that, because it offloads all chores and prepwork and lets you focus on the assets and the story.

I hear you. I could have designed the first screen better, so that you had no choice but to go for the shiny and bring it back to the ship.

It definitely looks good, and the atmosphere is nice with the little speech bubbles around you. But the gameplay is a bit repetitive, I didn't have the patience to finish it. Could be my ADHD though.

Well... it looks nice, but the lack of sound is very noticeable, also I don't understand why you have to use mouse to attack, why not just a key?

Wow! It was really moving and atmospheric. The concept was very good.

I liked the atmosphere and the pixel art, but the lighting was a bit too sparse, I had absolutely no idea where I was going.

It was a very relaxing experience, and I loved the presentation.

This looks amazingly polished for a jam game. And the concept of using seconds from your time pool to form blocks to hop on is pretty neat!

Yeah, I'm a firm believer in the "teach by showing gameplay elements" instead of tutorials, but it's a tough design challenge and I'm still very much a noob. And thank you for the comment about art, I really like how this tileset turned out, I've lifted it from my minimal metroidvania which is in a slow moving limbo at the moment, so it felt good to use it in a released project.

Thank you for the kind words! It means a lot to me, especially that I consider myself to be in the "bah! I'm not an artist" crowd :D Makes me a little bit more confident in my abilities!

This looks very interesting, and the presentation is great, but the input lag when attacking made me rage quit. Also, the first level is very confusing, and it took me a while to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. But overall, pretty impressive for a weekend jam!

Well, if anything, it shows that whatever you call your unobtanium in your RTS, it essentially boils down to just time :D

Interesting! I like that you can't really lose, you're so determined that you will continue even after death. But please, PLEASE allow for arrow keys. I'm left handed and playing with WASD and space is extremely awkward for me. Also, every flash game that ever existed used arrows + space/z/x/c, I'm not sure why it suddenly became a forbidden combination

Neat! Judging from the amounts of spikes you must have torn a lot of hair playing Celeste :) The only thing I don't like (and I think it's due to the fact that many tutorials do it) is that you have to switch modes of input between screens. It's a really bad idea when you play the game using keyboard/controller, only to be forced to take your hand off said keyboard/controller in order to click "next" with the mouse. Why not select the options with up/down and confirm with a button?

The game is very short and rudimentary, but you nailed the visuals, the audio and the overall atmosphere. I hope you continue working on it after the jam!

The graphics are nice, and the idea is pretty cool, however I'm not sure how you would iterate on it and make it not boring throughout more levels.

The web version was somewhat broken, I couldn't read the text, and then I couldn't figure out how to play.

...I'll try to be there, however, if only for a short time

Hi! Thanks! Will the stream be available afterwards to watch? It'll be quite late in the evening in my time zone, and I have a very small child, so I need all the sleep I can get :)

that’s really weird. What distro are you running? I had no trouble at all on my lubuntu box on on Facebook
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