i think im a bit stuck. ive paid the tuition, but the university hasn't opened. i also cant figure out how to talk to the king. he showed up to demand I come with him right at the start but he never showed again.
so i found a glitch where if you attempt to open the chimera menu, when your first in slime form you just get softlocked
Thank you. Two hours of play and still one ir two things i missed
Realy fun game, though i wish you could fuck the vamprie... and fished for ages (with chum) but never got any shark
i assumed that thouse were the keys, however the game did not respond to my inputs, asside thoughs from my mouse.
Couldn't figure out how to controle the game.
dont think its a bug but just cannot find the incubuss
Interesting concept, well-executed, though if i had to gripe, i wish there was a way to tell which way objects move once they spawn in
Quite short but i had fun,
Also, I didn't realise till the end that you could jump or push fish
Thank you
love this game, and only want too things
1. it was longer
2. that there was a little but of a tutorial or atleas a little explination of the machnics
I would love to do the same thing
Ok thank you
um i just opened the game and which button is start
Really good just wish there was more
I’m soo sad I only have iPhone and can’t play dam you lack of a button