I remember this music, and I remember your avocado game!
Gameplay is simple but fun. I like that you show the position of the new ghosts, so player can focus on building during the day.
Graphics-wise, the sprites work to represent what they need to, and the moving sun/moon is a clear indicator of time remaining for each cycle.
I don't know what else to say because the game works as it should and you finished under 3 hours. If you would like to expand, it'd be cool to have stronger types of blocks for higher levels. :)
I LOVE THIS. Took me a few tries because the turrets keep missing. For some reason, the level 2-3 turrets miss a lot compared to the others. But I figured a workaround by placing them at the end of longer corridors to have lower chance to miss.
I just really love this implementation. I've been fascinated by Rogue Tower lately, but couldn't figure out how to break it down for practice. Your game showed me the way :D
My only wishlist is to have a speed up button. It would've been useful in my ~5th retry when I figured out the early stages and just waiting for my towers to get to next level.
Sharing the tower setup that finally got me to the "end"
Thank you. I was hoping you would. I found your comments useful from the Tea Jam and used then to improve in other jams. Sorry I couldn't make it to your stream again. We seem to be on opposite timezones.
But thank you for doing this, it's very helpful to watch streamers play other games and react in real time.
(Yes, the fire-tending + low visibility was inspired by Don't Starve! I used to be addicted to that game! I got it from GOG back in 2013, then they released multiplayer on Steam which prompted me to open an account there. Then I got distracted by the 10 billion other games on that platform.)
Thank you! I finished the base mechanics in 3 hours (spawning, interaction, etc) but it was very boring, no graphics, and the controls were confusing. I couldn't stop tweaking things and figured since going over 3 hours disqualifies me anyway, might as well make the game more playable and go waaay over time :D
You caught me about the sounds. These are labrador retriever sounds because I couldn't find open source ones with wolves LOL
(Adding to the game-name convo below) Do you happen to like alliteration? :)
I kept burning the plants at first but I finally found a strategy, which is to never stop in one place!
I thought at first that the game ended because I was killing too many plants. I later figured out that the game always ends at sunset.
AAA-tier sound design XD
I played this game longer than I should've. I got to lap 30+ before stopping. The controls are good, which is important for this kind of game. It's fun to just dash around the track. I wish there's a timer of sorts for extra challenge.
P.S. Did you know you can control the car on the title screen? That's how I first heard the sound effects. Not within the race, but while pressing WASD before Start. Imagine my surprise :D
It doesn't have to be 2-bit. See the winner of past Black and White Jam #5,Counting Stars
Love the gameplay of this one. The controls and camera felt good. The music was aces too.
Too bad you ran out of time to make levels, but having a good gameplay is more important. :)
There's an ongoingImprove My Game Jam if you want to add levels! It closes in a day, but they open every two weeks.
This is the first story-based entry I've come across so far. Great, layered use of the theme.
I love that jaunty music. Gives you the proper creeps.
I think it'd be great if you can get a clue in the cheaper nodes too, just to give more illusion of progress. (Although story-wise, it makes sense that the important info is hidden behind harder-to-hack nodes.)
I couldn't figure out the 2nd number so I kept guessing using the other three that I know. Maybe you can also punish players for guessing randomly. :)