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A member registered Feb 04, 2023 ·View creator page →

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A short puzzle game where you enter you dreams and gain interesting powers in order to escape
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Thank you for playing and leaving such a kind comment!

About the button room that you got stuck at. The idea of the room was to shoot the buttons really fast while staying on the door and waiting for it to open.



You have made a really unique game here. It's awesome that you managed to implement three different classes and make so many levels and assets from scratch in such a short amount of time. I think the only thinks I can advise you to think about are:

- The Archer class is way too OP. I managed to one shot the little bots and kill swiftly the big ones.

- The mele on the other hand is unplayable - I could not manage to land even a single hit.

- A little pause menu would be appreciated because I had to restart to configure my sensitivity.

- The bots could be activated from the moment the player lands on the level. Becuase now they only       stare into the  abyss and I can just snipe them with the archer.

Overall the game was awesome. Keep making amazing games like this, it was phenomenal.


Thank you for playing the game and commenting!

I am sorry that I made the room hard to do. Now that you have said it, I will make the pads time limit longer.


Thank you for playing the game!

Yes I will definitely make more games and I can't wait because this jam was an awesome experience. I crunched a lot but at the end when I look at all the feedback and the comments I just know it's worth it!

Making games is a thing I hope I'll always be able to do.



I played through the whole game and I can just say WOW. This game was a very nice fleshed out piece of art. 

The mechanics:

I liked the fishing - it was designed very well. It had everything - boundaries to keep you updgrading and wanting to see whats below; upgrades that were very cool and meaningfull. The gameloop didn't get boring because the upgrades weren't to far apart. There were lots of fish and diffrent types of collectibles. 

The art:

You have a very nice and neat pixel art style. The fish were very detailed and the background was interesting. I really liked all the animations because they had some nice cartoony vibe.

The story:

First it was a nice addition to add story to the game because it added a lot of character and I didn't anticipate the the ending. The notes were interesting and I enjoyed finding them and reading them ( I liked the hidden red letters).

Overall this game has the potential to be top 10 even top 5 in this game jam. This was an incredible experience  and an awesome game.


Thank you so much for playing!

I am happy that you enjoyed the game and the degradation mechanic. I had it planned in advance and I think it turned out rather good.

Thank you so much for playing my game and leaving such an in depth review. I appreciate every advice I recieve! I really love it that people leave such nice feedback on my game because it's my first time tackling this kind of responsiblity and It brings me a lot of joy to read all these reviews.

Noted - I will improve the movement speed in the next little patch because I see a trend in people asking me to do that.

Thank you for spending the time playing my game!

 I am happy to see that you liked it.

Can you give me more info - with which box did you have a problem. The one in the bottom left or the upper right.

 I'll try and find the issue and fix it fast!


I think the resolution was 1920 x 1080

Thank you for playing and commenting!

I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it.


First off I would like to say - Good Job. This is an amazing game for only being developed for 2 days. I rally liked the sound track it was relaxing and kind of misterious making the atmosphere better. The underwater part was amazing and beautiful to look at.

The only things I can say I had problems with are the paralax effect on the background - it made my head dizzy but I guess you like it and the fish. I died approximately 20 times before completing the game ( I guess it was a skill issue xD).

The game is amazing. If you can do this much in 2 days I can't imagine giving you 7. 


This is a very interesting game. The movement and shooting were smooth and I liked them. I played through some levels but I noticed that the enemies get pretty repetitive and somehow I managed to bug my powerups by spamming the first one I got and because of that I got my whole screen covered by the same Icon ( I put a screenshot). Another thing I find strange is that you can just spam shift and skip through levels without even giving them a glance. You should put some flag when the level is over then can the player go to the next one.

Overall it was a really neat and cool little game. It made me a good impression!


No problem at all,

We are here to support each other. I would like to see the game developed further so I can play it and enjoy it fully.

Bye for now and good luck further ahead!

Hello there,

First I would like to thank you for taking the time and playing my game. It means a lot to me!

To answer your questions - I used Unity to create the game (I use it because I like c# and some of my favourite devs use it too so this way I can get my motivation from them).

For the door part. Can you specify your problem because I am trying to replicate it based on the info you've given me but I cannot find myself not opening the door? Can you say what did you do, which level was it. So I can try and replicate it and possibly fix it.

Thank you for the comment,


Thank you so much for playing!

I am happy that you enjoyed the game. It brings a smile to my face to see all of these comments here.

I too wish you luck on you game dev journey.


I tried playing your game but I couldn't manage to figure out what to do?

I tried pushing the box in all directions but it just got stuck to the wall and i couldn't move it. If you can give me directions I could try because it had cute art style and I saw some kind of an idea forming.

Bye for now!


Tried to play your game but I only saw some small icons on the screen and I could only move without any for of direction or information. Is the game still not done or is there some problem with me.

The only thing I figured out I can do is that when I press E the screen turns yellow.


This was such an amzaing game!

I felt a thrill i haven't felt in a while. You had so many good mechanics - the art was amazing, the beginning cutscene had a good sense of humor, the gameplay was LIT. I ADORE the flamethrower mechnic and being constantly on edge from being eaten by the bugs. You had everything packed in such a small game. 

For the bugs - I only saw a few:

- I closed the game by mistake and the second time the cutscene played the room was all green without textures and felt kind of strange. 

- The second thing I saw was - when I beat the bug boss, it disappeared   and nothing happened.

For gameplay crtique I can only advise you to lower the bug count because I had to dash my whole way through the levels while trying not to get eaten. Otherewise the gameplay was very nice.

This is a very neat jam entry,


This was one of the most intriguing games I have seen on this jam. The controls were unique but hard to grasp I needed a couple of minutes to pass the first part.  The art style is very interesting and stylized and I really liked how you interpreted the theme.

I think you have something very interesting going on here and I would like to see it developed further because I couldn't manage to go very far into the game and had to quit. 



The games was interesting at first look but I had some really bad performance issues. The gameplay  was quite jittery and I didn't understand much. On the first try I tried going right and fell through the map resulting in me having to restart. On the second playthrough I went left and stumbled upon some cratures which were very hard to see and killed me very fast because I didn't know of any key or button to shoot.

I can say based on the other comments that there is potential in the game but you have to optimise the game and put some visual information. 

I hope I wasn't harsh


This game was really interesting and a very diffrent approach to all the other games I've seen. I liked the timing mechanic and the gameplay felt perfect for the theme. I enjoyed seening the perfect text again and again.

I found some bugs though - I started one playthrough but player got stuck and no imput was present so I had to restart; and most of the buttons on the finished screen didn't work.

Overall it was a really neat game, I enjoyed it.


Now that was a little cute game!

I really liked the art style and the beginning cutscene. The Concept is great but the ocean playground is a little empty if I could put it that way. Maybe you can add some background animals and put the air pockets closer to each other and let them give Bailey more air so we can progress even further

A little bug that needs to be addressed - when I swim up I can constantly go up and down and refill my air timer in that way I can make Bailey last a couple of minutes underwater. The same thing goes for air pockets.


This game was really fun. I liked the panic it kinda created inside me because of all the task management. But I have to say one thing - it gets repetitive pretty fast and the gameplay gets really easy over time. I didn't manage to die through my whole playthrough.

The art was really good. Overall it was a really neat game


That was a neat game with challenging gameplay. I almost reached 1000m but I failed at 950 and didn't have 200 for the revive (which is indeed a cool feature I like it).

That was a cool little game. Managed to beat it on the second try - I guess you can try and make the fish not become one whole entity because then they are just so OP. And a welcomed addtion would be to maybe add some variety to the enemies.

I enjoyed it,


Thank you for playing!

About the movement spped - I think it fits good with the level dimensions and the puzzle timing is highly based on it. I Would think about increasing it.

Again thnak you for playing and leaving a comment. It's much appreciated!

To anyone reading.

If you find any bugs concerning boxes please comment here.

Thank you!

There should not be any problems now. I fixed the boxes dragging bug and the multiple dragging. I think you can enjoy the game to the end.

If you still manage to find some bug feel free to message me.

P.S. I don't sleep so don't worry xD

Hello and thanks for playing,

I'm trying to fix the bugs. So can you tell me on witch level and what box could you not move?

This is an very though out game but you made it alomost impossible to beat. I guess through playtesting you just got good at it and forgot to scale the difficulty. I get it sometimes we devs forget ourselves. 

I almost beat the nightmares level but the speed rate of spawning entities was unmanageable and I died even after the 15th attempt. The hand thing was good but it make me constantly stick to the same place making it easy for the footsteps to get me. I  would advise you to remove the footsteps and explain the window part. It will get the message across most people and the level would be managable.

Another thing - at the beginning add a visual cue for the E button because I had to press every button on my keyboard to see witch button is the interact one.

Overall it was a solid game and a good entry.


Hello, can you please describe your issue with the camera. Because you are the first to encounter such problem?

I'm sorry if my words sounded harsh. The game made me a good impression.It's nice and unique .It's astonishing first jam game.Look at mine it's and more janky. I just wanted to point out what I have found.

For the desktop recommendation I would definitely check it out. You have a good game at your hands


First thank you for playing!

I will try improving the boxes as fast as I can.

This was such a charming little game. I liked every part of it. The teleportation was unique and disorienting in a good way. I managed to lose my way every time I went through a portal. The only thing with which I have a problem is that the game was short. 

Nice one! 

The game has an interesting art style and an intriguing beginning with both seagulls but after that the gameplay had no hints, no visual cues on where to go so I felt lost and didn't manage to continue. I think you should work on this. on on Facebook
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