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A member registered Mar 02, 2023 ·View creator page →

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The demo is what is going to be completed soon, sorry for being imprecise.

Because I'm making a Visual Novel, I toughed a new short story would do better to give to know the game, instead of a cut part of the full game. It's going to be completed soon, but I'm now thinking on the possibilities. It wouldn't be better to do a new page to host that special demo? Or I use a page for the full game and I include that in it? What option is the best?

The demo will come out in a few weeks!!

Less than a month for sunofes to end, I feel like I wasted an opportunity. I feel loss. I don't know how much people will play this, I lose constancy and will in all this time in terms of do the effort to giving to know more people about this project. It's kind of hopeless.

We all know at this point the importance of marketing your own game, and how mountains of games fall because of this. But, what about the games published here with nothing or barely nothing or marketing, and being able to get a decent amount traction? Do you know any cases like this, or it happened to you?

This is such a step in the right direction, I have enjoyed the new features without noticing that they're new. Keep the good work!

This devlog is sure a mess. I wanted to read it, but I'm scared by the amount of stupidity it has since past year. Even so, this has manage to make interest between, three, four, some people, and 100 views to a game page with nothing to download. Finally, it seems like something playable will be out very soon! So I will try to re take this. I don't now how.

Visual novels are already hard to do this kind of thing. And one of the reason of why I stopped posting on this is because half of these posts were just talking how life is harsh.  The PC is still able to be turned on, somehow. I have an art style that I think I get good, and I think it will be liked by other people, and most important, the story has been rewritten to infinity, so I believe is at the very least, not bad.I promise zero boredom while reading Harmful Heaven.

I'm scared of the amount of games on the Sunofes, I sure have to gain attention to people to decide to play this.

Don't mock at the eyes of tiny Dess.

Harmful Heaven will be available to play in a sort of a special story, one where you can see how it's an average day on the journey of Sera and Dess, alongside the story of Dess when she was a kid, calling herself Charlotte. She lived in Tierrazúl, an royal island with the most modern and peaceful lifestyle of all of Rock Star. In the present day, it's gone, because the past king ordered it's destruction to stop propagating something to the rest of the world. Charlotte watched all of the fall of the royal island.

The short story of Charlotte isn't exactly apocalyptic, like the normal story of Harmful Heaven is, but it will have a constant feeling that anything isn't right and will fall down in any moment. It will also have cute elements, comedy and pretty moments, between Charlotte and her grandma and his friend.

The sunofest ends in 1 month and 25 days. I hope I can finish this in less than a month. Will share related stuff soon.

The sunofest is not a ranked jam, but an exposition one, so it's important to submit the game as soon as possible, even if it's a prologue.

Nice game. It is normal that starting a level takes random seconds?

Not being like Steam is what makes Itch a good alternative to play and publish games I think, but making the rating system just like Steam maybe can suit well! At least without thinking it too much.

I was talking hypothetically, in general, not a game in particular. I guess the second thing you say can work.

I measure the size of a game by the studio/people behind it. There's a difference between a game made by one person trying to push their game, to studios of ten or more people, to Sony. Also, what you have discussed in this threat has make me thing a lot of the rating of itch. Several good stuff to take in account.

I was referring to the fact that big games, although you can leave a low score, it's still big so it will barely affect. Contrary to small games where some negative scores can make a difference in the entire reception on it, in the case that the game was actually good.

When you give a star rating to a game here, more often than not, you aren't scoring a big game made by a big studio or something, but a person or a person + friends doing something. Knowing that stars rate are a factor on which people decide to play something or not, and knowing how hard is for devs to strive in general, it is fair using like, 3 or 4 stars for like "I like it but nothing more"? I what have done and I now I don't know if it is bad or ok. What do you think?

I thought it was yes because it's on the title of the rule, but the "Just don't use any trademarked or copyrighted material" leaves me confused.

I really know how insecure is the internet, but not downloading anything and only browser play feels a bit extreme. I think if a game is a virus here it gets reported and take down, that's why there's a community and report system, no? Itch is far from being a shady website. Unless I don't know about some big cases of games being virus here. 

I only play the game in the browser if is lightweight, short and arcade-ish, Pico-8 games are the best for this. Otherwise, just download. Edit: Specially browser if the game doesn't run natively on Linux- Wine hasn't failed me that much, but if doesn't run natively, better try on browser then.

All right then

edit: I wasn't able to do it, I'm not in the best state of a lot of things, that including that what I was writing was really uninteresting and boring. I'm sorry.

I think I'm making a actively worse version of the thing, for a fix version that's sad. It doesn't have much to it more than nonsense scenes. It's fine to still go with that?

Media that are popular and financially successful are made by people that admits that they did for did it and not necessarily like it. Plenty of times, and just recently, I wanted to do something just, because it has posibilites of be liked for more people. I can't finish the VN I was doing for a jam, because it can't even reach the middle of the script without feeling like I was making a stale bread. In the case that you made and finish something just for making it, how did you feel about that?

Reading this makes me want to make a new page for my main game. I feel so dumb for not reading this basic guide or even guess what the correct things were.

Can you help me in the art of the VN I want to fix? I have to put a lot of work in my art stuff and still looks bad.

Fu** it. Making something silly as a secondary project was so relaxing in it's own way. I'm going to take Hilltop for this.

Your VN is the one most easy to fix imo. This will sound out of place but, actual music in the fix version of Hilltop would be bad or good, in your opinion?

Not like I want to ruin the fun or make pressure on others, but what are the probabilities of all of these games being taked and fixed?
This jam has no rankings because Terrence will have destroyed the competence.

This one is a thesis of I'm so tired of you, really good, recommended to put the game as background and rest your head in bed while you have spasms.

The Shakespeare Cinematic Universe sucks. Also, the relation between the pink haired girl and Naruto was touching, all things consider.

I DID IT, I DID IT I CAN FLY LIKE GOKU BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN MY  oh wao so cool feels good really good. It's a bad visual nove, dumb tennis with super powers, but still, how cool is having submitted something

Good job to all of you, this jam was amazing. Hope Terrance wins, that is my favorite. It's going to be kind of sad to get again to (try) do good visual novels, this was fun. It would be more fun without my thing of leaving everything until it's late. Well, best wishes to everyone!!

Yeah absolutely. Nothing to add on what you say, specially the part of seeing  the making of games as just technical challenge, even if they are, is still a part of it, no the whole. Nice move of putting this in the jam overall!

I have some feelings, not all positive, but it's not with the game itself. What the cool developer man says is the 101 of creating any kind of art and, the fact that a lot of people are saying how much they need to hear that is kind of sad. This is what we are get used to in the current state of things, isn't it? I can't be like I not in that kind of people, but just the scared part. Don't read this like I am superior in all senses or something, just expressing what I feel. Cool submission to the jam.

How did you get the last episode without the guide??!! on on Facebook
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