> Aside from that, when you have a world where the rules are different, it’s important to lay them out ahead of time
No, not really. Majority of readers have enough intelligence to pick up those rules on the fly as they witness them in action firsthand. “Laying rules ahead of time” is called “info-dumping”, and its a narrative tool that is rightfully criticized by both readers and writers alike.
That aside, game never explicitly tells that it try to mimick any sort of court. I’m not sure if you have noticed that or not, but societies in monster hunter universe aren’t exactly modern and progressive, and expecting a civilization that is stuck somewhere in stone age to be up to par to modern law rules is ridiculous.
The last update feels like it’s a canon for Ridge’s route specifically. The way he didn’t want to talk at a testimony at first, suffering from grief while blaming himself, and rejecting scrivener while being not fine feels like something that he specifically would do. Even the poetic irony of him being carved with a hunting knife *again* feels like something that would happen to only him. Having every other love interest adopting similar behavior for a while feels weird and out of character even with such circumstances.
On a side note the way most characters rejected scrivener after elder’s passing felt unnecessarily cruel. This especially goes off Josef.
> Please do not interact with my projects in the future if you will bring this level of immaturity
The sheer amount of hypocrisy in this comment is astounding. I would like to see arguments how are you mature based on your careless attitude to your own projects.
> Right now I cannot justify the time it takes to work on these projects if I do not receive income.
> you seem to be the type that expects others to make content for you, for free, and then gets unreasonably disappointed
People have an absolute right to expect whatever was advertised, so stop trying to gaslight them.
You are releasing two updates a year apart and now putting this game further on a back burner? If that’s kind of an attitude you are going with then you might as well just cancel this game entirely. No one will care about it by the time you decide to return .
Gotta love fvn’s Devs work ethic, loosing passion on projects they didn’t even start properly.