Just wanted to say congrats on the update!
Didn't think the game could get better than it already was but the new intro and added bits really bring up the feel of the whole game (knife route was absolutely terrifying)
I'm really mesmerized by this style! will be there no matter what for whatever you come up with next.
Here's hoping we get a continuation of this universe someday! (maybe meet some other manifestations of mrs or see more of the scientist?)
not arguing against that, but how are people genuinely having trouble and complaining about a very very frustrating mechanic an example of skill issue?
like yeah it's pretty much beatable and all, but when the only few sections of the game anyone would actually die in are tied to one specific mechanic.. it's no wonder they won't be fond of it lmao.
you can still trudge through it without too much effort in the normal mode, but hard mode would definitely have you question why you're even taking the time.