Talk to Jester. You can buy morale w/ the "Give money to the bandits" option. Or you can accept the task "A b*tch for thugs". Or both.
This game crashes constantly on MacOS (SIGSEGV error). I moved my save files to Linux and haven't experienced a single crash. Game version 0.72. 64hrs gameplay.
The spelling and grammar isn't great—but it's not horrible either. The creator should run it through a local LLM to help clean it up and make it a little more concise. With human review of course.
The introductory text to the game could be shorter. I found myself a little frustrated having to read so much before actual gameplay. The text is a little lengthy in other places too.
The art is great. The UI is decent. The game item icons look great. I played the game for a full 24hrs before I realized the buy 10 button wasn't the normal "Buy" button—so my character went without upgrades for quite a while ^_^()
Some of the sexual themes aren't very appropriate. Human and furry interactions are fine. Animal and family interactions—not so much. I would personally eliminate the latter before selling the game on a marketplace like Steam.
I hope the game does well and becomes a finished product.