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Lunatic 0verlord

A member registered Mar 04, 2022

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Because of what the cats wanna do to highschool girls.

If you know, you know.


The walkthrough only explains how to get one ending.

Look, I know that the other ending is supposed to be secret, but with how MUCH has to be done to get the secret ending, you should at least provide clues, such as recipes for all the other ingredients, as well as clues that guide players to the secret ending.

There's a giant angler at the window, I made spirit and a fireball, and I still have no clue how close or far I am to the secret ending.

Thanks for answering. Now I know which category to put the game into.

For you see, I like to keep the SFW games and the NSFW games in different categories so  that I know which games I should be careful of who I show them to.

The challenge of still living with my parents.

Say, is this game going to have similar erotic content to your usual work or is it gonna be a more SFW experience?

Now that I've finished MMA, this entire game hits way worse :(

Thought so.

Things are escalating.

Our favorite dark elf has reached what is either the end or the final turning point of her character arc.

So this had "the end is coming" written all over it.

Shame that our cute and sexy dark elf didn't get to have sex one last time :(

Welp, they're both gonna die.

Say, TeamDeadDeer, are we approaching the end of the comic or is it simply the end of this current major arc?

War is breaking out.

There may not be a town left, by the end of it.

Is there an end to this game or do microgames go endlessly?

Amusingly, I opened a PayPal account just today.

Currently trying the demo.

The smol elf is cute.

This is about to turn into a warzone.

Wonder if the town will be in one piece or not...

Mysterious past, I wonder if I missed anything.

So...there's Mk 1 and there's Mk3.

Has anyone gathered the pieces of this mysterious story?

Good to know, thanks. BTW, I saw what happened to Robert, but what happened to the letter giver? She didn't show up as a boss.

Was she the purple hand?

Wonder how long he, his friends and family will live, after that.

As a certain red-eyed tyrant once said: Victory has consequences.

Say, among those many endings, is one of them akin to that star-bot ending from Lily Kosen?

I was just curious, since the size of the sprite didn't make it easy.

And with her being a demon and all that.

And then all his friends and his family will die, too.

Hope for him that he thinks dragging his friends and family to a horrible death was worth it.

Shame, a futa on girl game feels like just the kind of thing Rooster could partake in.

I do wonder if a certain shark girl from a water planet where everyone is naked all the time will show up... She's Best Girl, after all.

Shame, I was hoping to get action fun with other girls.

Hope I get to have fun with her, though.

If "won" means "doomed himself to a brutal agonizing death", that is.

I noticed cameos from a dev I follow.

Will these two cameos do more than just stay at the inn?

Well, this guy probably only has a few seconds left to live, if he's trying to threaten HER.

Will there be more playable characters in the full game? Such as that violet-haired demon girl next to the knight girl?

I played that game and had lots of fun. But I have a question:

The dark purple thing on the main protagonist's feet, are these shoes or hooves?

Say, could there be a guide to know how to get various scenes and endings?

Also, there's four passwords needed to get the gallery. How do I get the passwords?

Is there another (legitimate of course) way to access the gallery? Like getting all endings or something?

Say...that black thing on her arms and legs.

Are these fancy fishnets or tattoos?

Is there an instruction manual somewhere? I need help to:

Switch party members.

Build thing.

Know what I can and can't equip.

Capture monster.

Really, nothing is properly explained :(

Okay, good to know.
BTW, does the ouija board do anything?

I'm more of the, well, OTHER thing, but would rather not cause a "FBI OPEN" moment.

So I'll abstain from asking.

This game should have either more instructions or a little cheatsheet to know each girl's conditions.

So far, I only got to be naughty with the brunette with scars. on on Facebook
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